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A GitHub Action for publishing Nix flakes to FlakeHub. Create a YAML configuration, push it to your repo, and you're ready to go.


There are two ways to get started configuring this Action:

  1. Use our configuration wizard to create a configuration.
  2. Configure the Action manually.

Guided wizard

Although the flakehub-push Action requires little configuration, you may benefit from assembling it with our friendly wizard at

Manual configuration

The example workflow configuration below pushes new tags matching the conventional format—such as v1.0.0 or v0.1.0-rc4—to Flakehub:

# .github/workflows/flakehub-publish-tagged.yml
name: Publish tags to FlakeHub

      - v?[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+*

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      id-token: write # Necessary for authenticating against FlakeHub
      contents: read
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: ${{ (inputs.tag != null) && format('refs/tags/{0}', inputs.tag) || '' }}
      - name: Install Nix
        uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@main
      - name: Push to FlakeHub
        uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main
          # For the flake's visibility, you can also select "unlisted" if you don't want
          # it to show up in search results and general listings on
          visibility: public
          # Release rolling versions of the form 0.1.* instead of tagged releases
          rolling: true

Some other common configuration use cases are described in the sections below, along with a full listing of all available parameters.

Set flake visibility to public, private, etc.

Whenever you configure the flakehub-push Action, you need to specify the flake's visibility using the visibility parameter. This configuration would make the flake public:

- uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main
    visibility: public

The available options are:

Option What it means
public The flake is viewable and usable if you know the URL for the flake and it shows up in search results and on the flake listing.
private The flake is viewable and usable only by users who are authenticated and granted access to the flake. Private flakes are available only on paid plans.
unlisted The flake is viewable and usable only if you know the URL for it. It shows up neither in search results nor on the flake listing.

Rolling releases

For rolling releases, as in the example above, set rolling to true:

- uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main
    rolling: true

By default, the rolling minor version is 1, meaning that versions are of the form 0.1.[commit count]+rev-[git sha]. An example rolling version would be 0.1.1924+rev-ebfe2c639111d7e82972a12711206afaeeda2450. You can set a different rolling minor using the rolling-minor setting. This configuration sets the rolling minor to 2:

- uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main
    rolling: true
    rolling-minor: 2

Tagged releases

Publishing tagged releases is a little bit trickier because you need to tell flakehub-push which tag to use. Here's an example configuration:

      - v?[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+*
        description: The existing tag to publish to FlakeHub
        type: string
        required: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          # Checking out only the tag isn't necessary but should speed things up
          ref: ${{ inputs.tag }}
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@main
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main
          visibility: private
          tag: ${{ inputs.tag }}

Store output paths

FlakeHub has a feature called resolved store paths that, when activated, evaluates and stores all of the store paths associated with your flake outputs. To activate resolved store paths, set include-output-paths to true:

- uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main
    include-output-paths: true

This setting only makes a difference if you're using FlakeHub Cache. You can sign up at any time to take advantage of this feature.

Handling multiple flakes in one repository

You can use flakehub-push to publish multiple flakes in the same repository by keeping different flakes in different directories and using the directory parameter to specify the root of those flakes. Here's an example configuration that would publish separate flakes in the my-subflake-1 and my-subflake-2 subdirectories:

name: Publish multiple flakes to FlakeHub

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@main

      # Publish my-subflake-1
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main
          rolling: true
          directory: my-subflake-1
          visibility: public

      # Publish my-subflake-2
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main
          rolling: true
          directory: my-subflake-2
          visibility: public

In this case, flakehub-push publishes rolling releases for both flakes every time there's a push to main. But in other cases you may need to structure your configuration differently. If different flakes have different release strategies, for example one flake uses tagged releases and another one uses rolling releases, you may need to provide different configurations in separate YAML files to accommodate separate on blocks.

Available parameters

Parameter Description Type Required? Default
visibility public, unlisted, or private. Private flakes are in private beta, contact [email protected] to sign up. enum
repository The GitHub repository containing your flake in the format of {org}/{repo}. string ${{ github.repository }}
name The name of your published flake in the format of {org}/{name}. The {org} must match your organization's GitHub root name or the publish will fail. Specify this only if you want to publish under a different name from the {org}/{repo}. string
include-output-paths Whether to expose store paths for the flake's outputs via the FlakeHub API. This is most useful when used in conjunction with FlakeHub Cache. Boolean false
mirror Whether the repository is mirrored via DeterminateSystems' mirror functionality. This is only usable by DeterminateSystems. Boolean false
directory The path of your flake relative to the root of the repository. Useful for subflakes. relative path
tag The Git tag to use for non-rolling releases. This must be the character v followed by a SemVer version, such as v0.1.1. string
rolling For untagged releases, use a rolling versioning scheme. When this is enabled, the default versioning scheme is 0.1.[commit count]+rev-[git sha]. To customize the SemVer minor version, set the rolling-minor option. Boolean false
rolling-minor Specify the SemVer minor version of your rolling releases. All releases will follow the versioning scheme 0.[rolling-minor].[commit count]+rev-[git sha]. string
git-root The root directory of your Git repository. relative path .
extra-labels flakehub-push automatically uses the GitHub repo's topics as labels. This extra-labels parameter enables you to add extra labels beyond that as a comma-separated string. Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in labels and the maximum length of labels is 50 characters. You can specify a maximum of 20 extra labels, and have a maximum of 25 labels, including those that we retrieve from GitHub. Any labels after the 25th will be ignored. string ""
spdx-expression A valid SPDX license expression. This will be used in place of what GitHub claims your repository's spdxIdentifier is. string ""
error-on-conflict Whether to error if a release for the same version has already been uploaded. Boolean false
github-token The GitHub token for making authenticated GitHub API requests. string ${{ github.token }}
host The FlakeHub server to use. URL
logger The logger to use. Options are pretty, json, full and compact. enum full
log-directives A comma-separated list of tracing directives. -s are replaced with _s (such as nix_installer=trace). string flakehub_push=info
source-binary Run a version of the flakehub-push binary from somewhere already on disk. Conflicts with all other source-* options. string
source-branch The branch of flakehub-push to use. Conflicts with all other source-* options. string main
source-pr The pull request for flakehub-push to use. Conflicts with all other source-* options. integer
source-revision The revision of flakehub-push to use. Conflicts with all other source-* options. string
source-tag The tag of flakehub-push to use. Conflicts with all other source-* options. string
source-url A URL pointing to a flakehub-push binary. Overrides all other source-* options. string


The flakehub-push Action sets a handful of outputs for integrating into continuous delivery pipelines:

Output Description Example
flake_name Name of the flake. DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push
flake_version Version of the published flake. 0.1.99+rev-2075013a3f3544d45a96f4b35df4ed03cd53779c
flakeref_exact A precise reference that always resolves to this to this exact release. DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push/=0.1.99+rev-2075013a3f3544d45a96f4b35df4ed03cd53779c
flakeref_at_least A loose reference to this release. Depending on this reference will require at least this version, and will also resolve to newer releases. This output is not sufficient for deployment pipelines, use flake_exact instead. DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push/0.1.99+rev-2075013a3f3544d45a96f4b35df4ed03cd53779c

Here's an example Actions workflow that uses these outputs. After the flake is published, the Notify external system step uses cURL to notify an external web service that the flake has been successfully published by including the flake's version in a JSON object:

name: Notify external system that flake has been published

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@main # Install Nix
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/flakehub-push@main # Publish to FlakeHub
        id: flakehub_push
          visibility: private
          rolling: true
          include-output-paths: true

      - name: Notify external system
        run: |
          curl -XPOST \
            -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
            -H "Bearer: ${{ secrets.RECORDING_SYSTEM_API_KEY }}" \
            -d '{"flake_version":"${{ steps.flakehub_push.outputs.version }}"}'

Developing flakehub-push

See the development docs.