- Quick summary
Used as a starting point for projects that you want to use SASS with Gulp in. Uses Nunjucks for templating.
- Version 1.0
- Install Node if you do not have it (https://nodejs.org/en/)
- Then run following to install gulp (if dont already have it)
- npm install --global gulp-cli
- You may need to edit "PATH" environment variable and add %APPDATA%\npm (http://stackoverflow.com gf/questions/9587665/nodejs-cannot-find-installed-module-on-windows/9588052#9588052)
- Open CMD and CD to directory (i.e ..ifss\wp-content\themes\ifss-smalltalk) and run:
- npm install (this will install all of the dependencies)
- Then start gulp and development by running:
- gulp You should get a number of processes having run and your public folder populated. The public folder should never be directly edited.
- Ignore the node modules folder in Sublime text editor using this in your settings: "binary_file_patterns": [ "public/", "node_modules/", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".ttf", ".tga", ".dds", ".ico", ".eot", ".pdf", ".swf", ".jar", "*.zip" ], and add to "folder_exclude_patterns": [..."node_modules"], e.g: "folder_exclude_patterns": [".svn", ".git", ".hg", "CVS", "node_modules"], so you can still do searches without scouring these folders as well.
- Lock file error - You might have an old version of Node. Update Node with:
- npm install -g npm@latest (npm/npm#11343)
- The sourcemaps aren't showing in the browser - restart gulp.
- Errors when installing - including "please try running again as root/administrator windows" -
- run npm cache clean then try npm install again
When you run gulp, a compiled TODO file will automatically be created in ifss-smalltalk/src. To add to this file just place a "TODO: [notes]" wherever relevant but ensure that TODO are the first characters on a new line (spaces are OK) so this: not this:
You should also get this when you run gulp (but not gulp build):
Local: http://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External:
This will allow you to access the site at http://localhost:3000/. http://localhost:3001/ is browsersync admin - you can turn weinre on from here to use the inspector on mobile.
- Exit the watch task with ctrl-c
- run:
- gulp build The scripts and styles will be concatenated and minified. You can then deploy the theme files and folders excluding the node_modules, src, tests and tools folders.
- Can then use a tool like phploy https://github.com/banago/PHPloy to deploy your project.
The settings file holds all of the global settings for the project. The file further abstracts the colours that are set up in base/project/colours. We are using bootstrap in this project as well, and that CSS is added under styles/vendor.
Note: you do not have to worry about vendor prefixing as Gulp together with auto-prefixer handles that for us.
- Dean Wilson - [email protected]