If you decide to use any code from this project your project must be open source. Also, if you if you modify this I would appreciate the changes being documented and the source code shared on GitHub.
Join my discord server for the instructions on usage. Don't adjust anything except your bot token in config.json
- /collect <on/off> ==> Spamming on or of
- /ping ==> Just a basic ping command to test if the script is running properly
- /prefix ==> Change the bot prefix
- /purge ==> Delete messages, will give an error if you don't have permission to delete some messages. will be fixed in later version.
- /reload ==> Reload a command, if a command decided to be annoying you can reload it!
- /settings ==> I mean what more is there to say.. it's settings
- /quit ==> Quit the script
If you find any bugs please report them in my discord. The program is still very unpolished so there might still be bugs. Any suggestions can be posted in the discord
Currently I follow Multimedia and communication technology in Uni and i am using a lot of my free time to develop this bot.
and i do this all for free
If you would be so kind to donate just 1$ it would help me pay my bills.