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DeRaafMedia edited this page Nov 17, 2014 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the ProjectIrrationalMondriaan wiki!

Just a few links to help you to get things installed the right way.

You just need to have openFrameworks installed.

For Mac OS X systems follow this link -->

For Windows follow this link -->

For Linux follow this link -->

I write my software as Xcode projects. The 'important' part of these 'Projects' reside in the /src directory. Sometimes I made a few changes in some libraries used. I will try to include those changes.

Create a new openFrameworks project (tip: always try to use the projectGenerator to create new openFrameworks projects), in the directory created in /of-0.x.x/apps/myApps/ProjectName/ there will be a directory called /src. Copy the files from the repositories /src directory to yours, and most of the time it should be good to go.

Have fun coding!

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