a utility to mock metamask mainly for e2e testing like cypress
npm i metamocks
yarn add metamocks
add these to cypress support/commands.js file:
import {JsonRpcProvider} from '@ethersproject/providers'
import {Wallet} from '@ethersproject/wallet'
import MetaMocks from 'metamocks'
const TEST_PRIVATE_KEY = '0xe580410d7c37d26c6ad1a837bbae46bc27f9066a466fb3a66e770523b4666d19'
Cypress.Commands.add('setupMetamocks', () => {
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(
const signer = new Wallet(TEST_PRIVATE_KEY, provider)
const metamocks = new MetaMocks(signer, DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID)
cy.on('window:before:load', (win) => {
win.ethereum = metamocks
Cypress.Commands.add('registerMockContract', (...args) => {
cy.get('@metamocks').then((metamocks) => {
if you are using typescript, create a metamocks.d.ts file in the cypress folder with the following content:
import MetaMocks from 'metamocks';
export interface EthereumProvider {
on?: (...args: any[]) => void;
removeListener?: (...args: any[]) => void;
autoRefreshOnNetworkChange?: boolean;
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
registerMockContract: (...args: Parameters<MetaMocks['registerMockContract']>) => void;
setupMetamocks(): void;
interface Window {
ethereum?: EthereumProvider;
namespace Mocha {
interface Context {
metamocks?: MetaMocks;
now you can setup metamocks in your tests using cy.setupMetamocks()
before visiting a page
To mock an abi, you should create an AbiHanlder
class for it, and implement the mock contract methods there. An
example AbiHanlders can be
found here. then register that
MockContract with
metamocks.registerMockContract(contractAddress, YourContractHandler)
if you are using cypress, use this.metamocks.registerMockContract
or cy.registerMockContract
visit tests and this repository to see an example usage