This repository contains the code and documentation for our university (FHTW) project to control a hexapod robot using the Robot Operating System (ROS).
- ROS1 Noetic
To clone the repository and its submodules, use the following command:
git clone --recurse-submodules
After the repository is cloned, the submodules need to be initialized:
git submodule init
git submodule update
After the repository is successfully cloned and the submodules initialized, the devel and build folder must be removed. If you are on Linux use the following commands:
cd Hexpaod
rm -rf devel && rm -rf build
The repository is now ready to be compiled.
After the code is compiled the package can be sourced.
source /devel/setup.bash
Then the motorcontrol-node and inversekinematic-node can be started with rosrun.
Dieses Projekt ist unter der [Lizenz] lizenziert - siehe die für weitere Details.