See the spaCy documents.
Exploring NLP and spaCy using the psychedelia of the Super Furry Animals. SFAok!
Before you start make sure you have installed spacy and the en
conda install -c conda-forge spacy
python -m spacy download en
You'll also need textacy and WordCloud.
01 - FurryVision(TM) => a Python script that allows you to check that re, spaCy, textaCy and matplotlib along with appopriate english models are installed in your environment.
02 - The Placid Casual => Using the default spaCy model, examining outputs and developing our own pipleine.
03 - The International Language of Screaming => Using our spaCy pipeline we will combine with Textacy to try and learn a bit more about the SFA from Wikipedia.
04 - Demons => Using a spaCy pipeline we will process some lyrics and peform some topic analysis to undertand what type of things the SFA sing about.
05 - Short Painkiller => Generating WordClouds by album.
06 - She's Got Spies => LDA Topic Analysis by Album using Textacy.
07 - Play it Cool => Getting basic stats on the SAF lyrics.
08 - Hermann ♥'s Pauline => Sentiment Analysis using spaCy and textaCy
09 - Chupacabras => Understanding the language Parser in more detail.