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doDex-vertx, a java asynchronous server for Dodex, Dodex-input and Dodex-mess

Install Assumptions

  1. Using Vertx4
  2. Java 17 or higher installed with JAVA_HOME set.
  3. Gradle 8+ installed(app will install gradle 8). If you have sdkman installed, execute sdk install gradle 8.5
  4. Node with npm javascript package manager installed.

Important Note: The ./gradlew run is much more complex out of the box. The kotlin, gRPC web applicaion requires a gradle composite build configuration. See the Kotlin, gRPC Web Application section below.

New Additions(7/24)

  1. Added Vert.x gRPC Server, see Grpc README
  2. Added the Vert.x Mqtt Broker to communicate with the dodex-akka micro-service client to process dodex-mess messages.
    • see Mqtt Broker section below for the broker and dodex-akka README for the client

Getting Started

  1. npm install dodex-vertx or download from If you use npm install, move node_modules/dodex-vertx to an appropriate directory.
  2. cd <install directory>/dodex-vertx/src/main/resources/static and execute npm install --save to install the dodex modules.
  3. cd <install directory>/dodex-vertx and execute ./gradlew run. This should install java dependencies and startup the server in development mode against the default sqlite3 database. In this mode, any modifications to java source will be recompiled.
  4. Execute url http://localhost:8087/test in a browser.
  5. You can also run http://localhost:8087/test/bootstrap.html for a bootstrap example.
  6. Follow instructions for dodex at and
  7. You can turn off colors by setting "color": to false in application-conf.json.
  8. The Cassandra database has been added via an Akka micro-service. See;
  9. Added Cassandra database to the React demo allowing the login component to use Cassandra.
  10. See the Firebase section for using Google's Firestore backend.
  11. Added a verticle for Java21 Virtual Threads test; "localhost:8881/threads" when "dodex.virtual.threads" is set to "true" in "application-conf.json"
  12. Made "h2" default database.


  1. Execute ./gradlew tasks to view all tasks.
  2. Execute ./gradlew shadowJar to build the production fat jar.
  3. Execute java -jar build/libs/dodex-vertx-3.3.0-prod.jar to start up the production server.
  4. Execute url http://localhost:8880/dodex or .../dodex/bootstrap.html in a browser.
    • Note: This is a different port and url than development.
    • Note: The default database on the backend is "h2", no further configuation is necessay. Dodex-vertx also has Postgres/Cubrid/Mariadb/Ibmdb2/Cassandra/Firebase implementations. See <install directory>/dodex-vertx/src/main/resources/static/database_config.json for configuration.
  5. Swapping among databases; Use environment variable DEFAULT_DB by setting it to either sqlite3 ,postgres, cubrid, mariadb, ibmdb2, cassandra, firebase, mongo or set the default database in database_config.json.
  6. The environment variable VERTXWEB_ENVIRONMENT can be used to determine the database mode. It can be set to either prod or unset for production and dev for the development database as defined in database_config.json.
  7. When Dodex-vertx is configured for the Cubrid database, the database must be created using UTF-8. For example cubrid createdb dodex en_US.utf8.
  8. Version 1.3.0 adds an auto user clean up process. See application-conf.json for configuration. It is turned off by default. Users and messages may be orphaned when clients change a handle when the server is offline.

Mqtt Broker for Dodex-Mess via Dodex-Akka

  • By default, dodex-vertx uses a TCP/Event Bus to communicate with dodex-akka with a backend Cassandra database.
  • Dodex-Vertx can be configured to use Mqtt as the transport between Vert.x and Akka. This allows the dodex-mess application to send messages among dodex users.
    • Execute export USE_MQTT=true, export DEFAULT_DB=cassandra and execute gradlew run
    • For a permanent change, set "use.mqtt": true in .../src/main/resource/application-conf.json
    • Startup the dodex-akka micro-service configured with Mqtt


  • Execute gradlew run -DDEBUG=true to debug the Vertx Verticle.
  • The default port is 5005, see build.gradle to change.
  • Tested with VSCode, the launch.json =

javascript { "type": "java", "name": "Debug (Launch) - Dodex", "request": "attach", "hostName": "localhost", "port": 5005 }

Test Dodex

  1. Make sure the demo Java-vertx server is running in development mode.
  2. Test Dodex-mess by entering the URL localhost:3087/test/index.html in a browser.
  3. Ctrl+Double-Click a dial or bottom card to popup the messaging client.
  4. To test the messaging, open up the URL in a different browser and make a connection by Ctrl+Double-Clicking the bottom card. Make sure you create a handle.
  5. Enter a message and click send to test.
  6. For dodex-input Double-Click a dial or bottom card to popup the input dialog. Allows for uploading, editing and removal of private content. Content in JSON can be defined as arrays to make HTML more readable.

Java Linting with PMD

  • Run gradlew pmdMain and gradlew pmdTest to verify code using a subset of PMD rules in dodexstart.xml
  • Reports can be found in build/reports/pmd

Optimizing with Graalvm

  • You can run the Vertx Server in native assembled code by compiling the fat jar with graalvm.

    1. Install from
    2. Follow install instructions.
    3. Execute <graalvm directory>/bin/gu install native-image to install the native-image program.
    4. In the dodex-vertx directory execute gradlew installDist and gradlew shadowJar.
    5. Modify the dodexvm8/vm11 or dodexvm.bat shell to the graalvm install directory.
    6. In your dodex-vertx directory execute the dodexvm8 or dodexvm11 shell program. This should create an executable named io.vertx.core.Launcher.
    7. Execute the production server with io.vertx.core.Launcher.

    Note: dodex-vertx will not build as a stand alone, therefore, if you move the executable to different directory, you must also move the shadowJar to the same directory with structure build\libs.

Single Page React Application to demo Development and Integration Testing

Development Environment in a docker container using CentOS

  • Assumes docker is installed with the daemon running and the envoy proxy is running on the host.

    1. From dodex-vertx directory; execute centos/buildcontainer or on windows centos\buildcontainer
    2. Execute gradlew run to start development. Execute ctl-c && exit to shutdown.
    3. Execute centos/execontainer or centos\execontainer on subsequent startups.


  • Create an account:

  • Getting started:

  • Make sure you create a Service-Account-Key.json file as instructed. Dodex-Vertx uses the environment variable option to set the service-account - GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. See as one way to set it.

  • You will need to login to the Firebase console and create the dodex-firebase project. See src/main/java/dmo/fs/router/ for usage of the project-id and Google Credentials. Note: The Firebase rules are not used, so they should be set to allow read, write: if false; which may be the default.

  • You only need the Authentication and Firestore extensions.

  • If you want a different project name, change .firebaserc.


    • To make sure your project is created and the setup works, you should run the tests. Note: They are written in Typescript.
    • cd ../dodex-vertx/src/firebase and run npm install
    • execute npm run emulators to startup the emulators for testing.
    • To test the model and rules after starting the emulators, in a different terminal window, run npm test.


  • See for usage.
  • To use a container with apoc you can try: Note: this has --privileged set.
    docker run \
    -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \
    -v $PWD/neo4j/data:/neo4j/data -v $PWD/neo4j/plugins:/neo4j/plugins \
    --name neo4j-apoc \
    --privileged \
    -e 'NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/secret' \
    -e NEO4J_apoc_export_file_enabled=true \
    -e NEO4J_apoc_import_file_enabled=true \
    -e NEO4J_apoc_import_file_use**neo4j**config=true \
    -e NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS=\[\"apoc\"\] \
    -e NEO4J_dbms_security_procedures_unrestricted=apoc.\\\* \

To restart and stop: docker start neo4j-apoc and docker stop neo4j-apoc

The Neo4j was tested with the apoc install, however the database should work without it.

Simply execute export DEFAULT_DB=neo4j to use, after database setup.


  • Uses a separate OpenAPI setup, located in "..../dmo.fs.db/mongodb"
  • Configure in ..../src/main/resources/database_config.json
  • Make sure the database is setup with something like;
          use dodex
              user: "dodex",
              pwd: passwordPrompt(), // or cleartext password
              roles: [
                { role: "dbOwner", db: "dodex" },

Dodex Monitoring

Getting Started

  • Apache Kafka must be installed.

    • Kafka Quickstart - A container should also work
    • .../config/ should be modified if using a local install
      • advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092
      • num.partitions=2 # at least 2
    • local startup
      • ./bin/ config/
      • ./bin/ config/
  • Setup Vertx for Kafka

    • set environment variable DODEX_KAFKA=true or
    • set "dodex.kafka" to true in the application-conf.json file(default is false)
    • startup Vertx - the monitor should work with any of the databases
    • the monitor configuration can be found in application-conf.json
  • Monitor Dodex

    • in a browser enter localhost:8087/monitor or localhost:8880/monitor in production.
    • as dodex messaging executes the events should be recorded.
    • in the browser's developer tools console execute stop(); and start(); to stop/start the polling. Polling is started by default.

    Note: you can open the messaging dialog with ctrl-doubleclick on the dials

Dodex Groups using OpenAPI

  • A default javascript client is included in .../dodex-vertx/src/main/resources/static/group/. It can be regenerated in .../dodex-vertx/handicap/src/grpc/client/ by executing npm run group:prod.
  • The group javascript client is in .../src/grpc/client/js/dodex/groups.js and group.js.
    Note: The client is included in the static directory by default.
  • See .../src/main/resources/openapi/groupApi31.yml for OpenAPI declarations. The Vert.x implementation generates routes for .../src/main/java/dmo/fs/router/

Installing in Dodex

  1. Implementing in a javascript module; see .../dodex-vertx/handicap/src/grpc/client/js/dodex/index.js
    • import { groupListener } from "./groups";
    • in the dodex init configuration, add
    .then(function () {
  2. Implementing with inline html; see .../dodex-vertx/main/resources/test/index.html
    • <script src="../group/main.min.js"></script>
    • in the dodex init configuration, add
    .then(function () {
  3. Using dodex-messaging group functionality
    Note: Grouping is only used to limit the list of "handles" when sending private messages.
  • Adding a group using @group+<name>
    • select Private Message from the more button dropdown to get the list of handles.
    • enter @group+<name> for example @group+aces
    • select the handles to include and click "Send". Members can be added at any subsequent time.
  • Removing a group using @group-<name>
    • enter @group-<name> for example @group-aces and click "Send". Click the confirmation popup to complete.
  • Removing a member
    • enter @group-<name> for example @group-aces
    • select a "handle" from the dropdown list and click "Send"
  • Selecting a group using @group=<name>
    • enter @group=<name> for example @group=aces and click "Send"
    • Select from reduced set of "handles" to send private message.

Note: By default the entry "dodex.groups.checkForOwner" in application-conf.json is set to false. This means that any "handle" can delete a "group" or "member". Setting the entry to true prevents global administration, however, if the owner "handle" changes, group administration is lost.

Kotlin, gRPC Web Application

  • This web application can be used to maintain golfer played courses and scores and to calculate a handicap index. The application has many moving parts from the envoy proxy server to kotlin, protobuf, gRPC, jooq, bootstrap, webpack, esbuild, gradle, java and javascript.

    See documentation at;

Docker, Podman and Minikube(Kubernetes)

  • Assumes docker, podman and minikube are installed

Building an image and container with docker

  1. cd to the dodex-vertx install directory

  2. make sure dodex and the handicap node_modules and application are installed

    • in src/main/resources/static execute npm install
    • in handicap/src/grpc/client execute npm install and npm run webpack:prod or npm run esbuild:prod
    • startup Vertx in dev mode - gradlew run
    • optionally install the spa_react application and in src/spa-react/devl execute npx gulp prod or npx gulp prd(does not need dodex-vertx started)
    • stop the vertx server - ctrl-c
    • build the production fat jar - execute ./gradlew clean(optional) shadowJar
      • Important When building the Fat jar, set DEFAULT_DB=sqlite3 or postgres and USE_HANDICAP=true
    • verify the jar's name - if different than dodex-vertx-3.3.0-prod.jar, change in ./kube/Dockerfile and
  3. execute cp build/libs/dodex-vertx-3.3.0-prod.jar to kube/

  4. execute docker build -t dufferdo2/dodex-vertx:latest -f kube/Dockerfile ./kube

  5. execute docker create -t -p 8880:8880 -p 8070:8070 -p 9901:9901 --name dodex_vertx dufferdo2/dodex-vertx

  6. execute docker start dodex_vertx, make sure envoy is not running on the host.

  7. use browser to view - http://localhost:8880/handicap.html or http://localhost:8880/dodex or http://localhost:8880/dodex/bootstrap.html, if the spa-react was installed this link should work, http://localhost:8880/dist/react-fusebox/appl/testapp.html

  8. execute docker stop dodex_vertx

  9. to clean-up execute docker rm dodex_vertx and docker rmi dodex-vertx. However you should keep the dufferdo2/dodex-vertx image if trying out podman or minikube.

  10. to pull and generate a local image from the docker hub, execute docker build -t dodex-vertx:latest -f kube/vertx/Dockerfile .

  11. you can also build/run dufferdo2/dodex-vertx(image) and dufferdo2/dodex_vertx(container) with; docker compose -f kube/docker-compose.yaml up -d, assumes that envoy is running for dodex-vertx

  12. Use run to test different databases; docker run --rm -p 8880:8880 -p 8070:8070 -p 9901:9901 -e DEFAULT_DB=postgres -e USE_HANDICAP=true --name dodex_vertx dufferdo2/dodex-vertx. To stop, run docker container stop dodex_vertx.

Note: When running the dufferdo2/dodex-vertx image based on ./kube/Dockerfile, there is no need to have envoy running on the host machine. Envoy is included in the image.

Building an image and container with podman

  1. generate an empty pod execute podman pod create -n vertx-pod -p -p -p 9901:9901
  2. generate a container execute podman create -t --pod vertx-pod --name vertx_server dufferdo2/dodex-vertx:latest.
  3. start the container execute podman start vertx_server
  4. view in browser
  5. to clean-up execute podman stop vertx_server, podman rm vertx_server, podman pod rm vertx-pod
  6. before cleaning up, you can generate a yaml template. Execute podman generate kube vertx-pod > vertx.yaml

Building a deployment, service and persistent volume with minikube

  • Since including the Handicap application(multiple exposed ports, persistent volume) to dodex-vertx, the minikube deployment must be from configuration files.
  1. execute minikube start
  2. to make sure the dufferdo2/dodex-vertx image is setup, execute docker build -t dufferdo2/dodex-vertx:latest -f kube/Dockerfile ./kube
  3. edit kube/vertx.yml and change env: to desired database(DEFAULT_DB) - defaults to sqlite3, no database configuration necessary otherwise set DEFAULT_DB to mariadb or postgres
  4. execute kubectl create -f kube/db-volume.yml
  5. execute kubectl create -f kube/vertx.yml
  6. execute minikube service vertx-service to start dodex-vertx in the default browser - add --url to get just the URL
  7. verify that dodex-vertx started properly - execute ./execpod and cat ./logs/vertx.log - enter exit to exit the pod

For postgres make sure postgres.conf has entry:

             listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;

and pg_hba.conf has entry:

             host    all    all    <ip from minikube vertx-service --url>/32   <whatever you use for security> (default for dodex-vertx "password")

and database_config.json(also in ../dodex-vertx/generate...resources/database(_spa)_confg.json) entry: postgres... (both dev/prod)

              "config": {
              "host": "<ip value from `hostname -i`>",

netstat -an |grep 5432 should look like this

             tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     
             tcp6       0      0 :::5432                 :::*                    LISTEN     
             unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     57905233 /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432
             unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     57905234 /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432


  1. Make changes to the dodex-vertx code
  2. execute gradlew clean(optional)
  3. build the fat jar and image as described in the Operation and Building an image and container with docker sections, e.g.
    • build the production fat jar - ./gradlew shadowJar
      • Important When building the fat jar, set DEFAULT_DB=sqlite3 or mariadb or postgres and USE_HANDICAP=true
      • verify the jar's name - if different than dodex-vertx-3.3.0-prod.jar, change in ./kube/Dockerfile
    • copy the build/dodex-vertx-3.3.0-prod.jar to ./kube
    • if the dodex_vertx and/or the dufferdo2/dodex-vertx exist, remove them docker rm dodex_vertx and docker rmi dufferdo2/dodex-vertx
    • build the image docker build -t dufferdo2/dodex-vertx:latest -f ./kube/Dockerfile ./kube
  4. execute ./deleteapp
  5. execute minikube image rm dufferdo2/dodex-vertx
  6. execute minikube load image dufferdo2/qodex-vertx
  7. execute kubectl create -f kube/vertx.yml
  8. execute minikube service vertx-service
  9. clean-up execute ./deleteapp, kubectl delete pvc vertx-pvc, kubectl delete pv vertx-pv, minikube image rm dufferdo2/dodex-vertx
  10. execute minikube stop

Exposing the minikube dodex-vertx container to the internet

  1. cd .../dodex-vertx and execute npm install - this will install localtunnel

  2. execute minikube service vertx-service --url to view the local host ip address - can be used for the --local-host value

  3. in separate terminals

    • execute npx localtunnel --host --subdomain my-app --port 30080 --local-host $(minikube service vertx-service --url | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d"/" -f3)
    • for the gRPC tunnel, execute npx localtunnel --host --subdomain my-app2 --port 30070 --local-host $(minikube service vertx-service --url | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d"/" -f3)
      • the --subdomain for my-app and my-app2 should be changed to unique values
      • the naming convention is required(otherwise edit src/grpc/client/js/client.js and tweak) e.g. coolapp for port 30080 and coolapp2 for port 30070
    • view or in browser

    Note: Make sure your Ad-Blocker is turned off for the web site.

  4. The client also supports loophole Much better bandwidth running out of Europe and is also free.

    • loophole http 30080 $(minikube service vertx-service --url | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d"/" -f3) --hostname my-coolapp
    • loophole http 30070 $(minikube service vertx-service --url | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d"/" -f3) --hostname my-coolapp2

    Note: You will have to create a login to use loophole.




This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


A Java asynchronous server for Dodex, Dodex-input and Dodex-mess







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