Check out our preprint: GLIN: A Lightweight Learned Indexing Mechanism for Complex Geometries
This paper introduces GLIN, a generic learned index for spatial range queries on complex geometries. To achieve that, GLIN transforms geometries to Z-address intervals, and builds a hierarchical model to learn the cumulative distribution function between these intervals and the record positions. The lightweight hierarchical model greatly shortens the index probing time. Furthermore, GLIN augments spatial range query using an add-on piecewise function to guarantee the query accuracy for both πΆπππ‘ππππ and πΌππ‘πππ πππ‘π spatial relationships.
- GLIN transforms geometries to 1-dimensional sortable values,namely Z-address intervals, using Z-order curve.
- GLIN is the first learned index that handles non-point geospatial values.
- GLIN updates its index structure efficiently with query accuracy guaranteed.
- GLIN: contains core glin fucntion other than Recursive model index(RMI) as following
- Z-Address Interval transformation function
- Index search function and update function (insertion and deletion)
- Piecewise function initialization, query window augmentation, piecewise function updates
- src: GLIN-customized ALEX recursive model, including nodes, node updates function, and model training.
- test: tests related to GLIN-customized ALEX recursive model and GLIN's function
- GEOS: brew install geos
- BOOST C++ library : brew install boost
Compile the project using CMake. It will build a new direcotory named as
Run unit tests without query augmentation, for Contains relationship only
- run unit tests with query augmentation. It supports both Contains and Intersects relationship
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- To construct a index for geometry colomn
alex::Glin<double, geos::geom::Geometry *> index
- Bulkload to Index
index.glin_bulk_load(poly_vec, piecelimitation, "z", cell_xmin,cell_ymin, cell_x_intvl, cell_y_intvl, pieces)
- Parameters:
- poly_vec : a vector of Geometries in std::vector<geos::geom::Geometry *>
- piecelimitation: a double, limits how many records is summarized in a single piece
- space-filling-curve : z-order-filling-curve
- cell_xmin: the minimal value of x in a geometry, for real-world data, set cell_xmin = -180
- cell_ymin: the minimal value of y in a geometry, for real-world data, set cell_ymin = -180
- cell_x_intvl, cell_y_intvl:: a small enough value is valid for all data, by default we set to 0.0000005, but it is tunable parameter
- pieces: vector of piecewise function. If the user does not choose PIECEWISE setting, this value is empty.
- Search in index
index.glin_find(query, "z", cell_xmin,cell_ymin, cell_x_intvl, cell_y_intvl, pieces, find_result, count_filter)
- Parameters:
- querywindow: the query window to perform search with
- space-filling-curve : z-order-filling-curve
- cell_xmin: the minimal value of x in a geometry, for real-world data, set cell_xmin = -180
- cell_ymin: the minimal value of y in a geometry, for real-world data, set cell_ymin = -180
- cell_x_intvl, cell_y_intvl:: a small enough value is valid for all data, by default we set to 0.0000005, but it is tunable parameter
- pieces: vector of piecewise function. If the user does not choose PIECEWISE setting, this value is empty.
- find result: The result after refine
- count_filter : the number of result before refine
- Insert geometry into index
index.glin_insert(insert_tuple, "z", cell_xmin,cell_ymin, cell_x_intvl, cell_y_intvl, piece_limit, pieces);
- insert_tuple: A tuple of to-be-inserted-Geometry and its MBR std::tuple<geos::geom::Geometry*, geos::geom::Envelope*>
- space-filling-curve : z-order-filling-curve
- cell_xmin: the minimal value of x in a geometry, for real-world data, set cell_xmin = -180
- cell_ymin: the minimal value of y in a geometry, for real-world data, set cell_ymin = -180
- cell_x_intvl, cell_y_intvl:: a small enough value is valid for all data, by default we set to 0.0000005, but it is tunable parameter
- piece_limit: piece_limitation
- pieces: vector of piecewise function. If the user does not choose PIECEWISE setting, this value is empty.
Delete geometry from index
int num_erase = index.erase(poly, "z", cell_xmin,cell_ymin, cell_x_intvl, cell_y_intvl, piecelimitation, pieces);
- Parameters:
- poly: A to-be-remove geometry
- space-filling-curve : z-order-filling-curve
- cell_xmin: the minimal value of x in a geometry, for real-world data, set cell_xmin = -180
- cell_ymin: the minimal value of y in a geometry, for real-world data, set cell_ymin = -180
- cell_x_intvl, cell_y_intvl:: a small enough value is valid for all data, by default we set to 0.0000005, but it is tunable parameter
- piece_limit: piece_limitation
- pieces: vector of piecewise function. If the user does not choose PIECEWISE setting, this value is empty.
- This function return a number of record are erased
Example can be found at unittest_glin.h and unittest_glin_maintenance.h