Fastapi framework template, with basic sqlalchemy operations and using redis as cache.
Name | Version |
Python | 3.8 |
pipenv(Python module) | 2018.11.26 or up |
- Initialize environment variable
cp sample.env .env
- Initialize Python environment
make init
- Enter the environment and start developing
pipenv shell
- Start related components of API service
make service_up
- Start API service
cd api/
uvicorn app:APP
The server will run at
- (Optional)Stop related components of API service
make service_down
This project uses black
and isort
for formatting
make reformat
This project uses pylint
and flake8
for linting
make lint
This project uses pytest
and its extension(pytest-cov
) for testing
make test
Name | Version |
Docker | 19.03.6 |
docker-compose | 1.17.1 |
docker-compose build
This will build the image with tag fastapi-template:latest
The service is deployed with docker-compose
- Start containers
docker-compose up
- Darkborderman/Divik(