Quaffable is something-like a roguelike foundation. It's really just my rehashing of a roguelike over several years then I'm making available.
It has some nice features, but in general it's a bit of a mess. I hope to be improving it shortly.
The source is licensed under the New BSD License.
- SDL_Image
Install SDL and SDL_Image into Frameworks, (I may bundle this as a private framework soon)
So far only tested on Mac OS X 10.5+, but it's c++ and SDL so technically could run on other platforms with some minor fixes.
![Screenshot of Outside](https://github.com/DanBrooker/Quaffable/raw/master/Screenshots/Picture 9.png "Sample") ![Screenshot of Debug Mode](https://github.com/DanBrooker/Quaffable/raw/master/Screenshots/Picture 10.png "Sample Debug")