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Damien Irving edited this page May 4, 2020 · 13 revisions

My work focuses on the separate influence of GHGs and AAs on water mass change. (Ultimately to better understand regional sea level rise.) A primary data source for this work is the CMIP single forcing experiments.

To tackle this question, we need:

  • Metrics for quantifying water mass change in models
  • An understanding of the response of the global energy and water cycles to GHG and AA forcing
  • An understanding of energy and mass drift / non-conservation in the CMIP models

(I'm supposed to look at variability in water masses too.)

Paper 1: Global energy cycle response to GHG and AA forcing

Irving D, Wijffels S, Church JA (2019). Anthropogenic aerosols, greenhouse gases and the uptake, transport and storage of excess heat in the climate system. Geophysical Research Letters. 46(9), 4894-4903. doi:10.1029/2019GL082015

Paper 2: Drift

Irving D, Hobbs W, Church J, Zika J (submitted). A mass and energy conservation analysis of drift in the CMIP6 ensemble. Journal of Climate.

Paper/s 3: Water mass changes in observations and CMIP6 models

Taimoor is leading a paper looking at observed water mass changes. As part of this paper (or as a Part 2 paper) we'll look at how the models compare.

Paper 4: Global water cycle response to GHG and AA forcing

I'm leading this paper.

Paper 5: Energy and water cycle anomaly pathways

This will involve running ACCESS-OM2.