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VMCrypt - Python Virtual Machine


This project is a Python based virtual machine that can encrypt and decrypt strings. It includes a custom virtual machine (VMCrypt) and uses it for secure data encryption and decryption.

Key Features

  • Virtual Machine (VMCrypt): A simple program that can perform various operations like addition, subtraction, and logic tasks.
  • Encryption & Decryption: Uses the virtual machine to scramble and unscramble messages.
  • Detailed Logging: Option to print out detailed messages about what the virtual machine is doing.
  • Custom Keys: You can use your own keys to encrypt and decrypt messages.

How It Works

1. VMCrypt

VMCrypt is the core part of this project. It can do operations like:

  • Math: Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
  • Logic: Bitwise operations like AND, OR, and XOR.
  • Memory: Load and store data in registers and memory.
  • Jumping: Move to different parts of the program.
  • Cryptography: Use S-box (substitution) and permutation for encryption.

2. Encryptor

The Encryptor class creates a program for the virtual machine to run, which encrypts your data using bitwise operations and custom keys.

3. Decryptor

The Decryptor class does the opposite, it takes encrypted data and converts it back to the original message.

4. Client

Client is a simple way to use the Encryptor and Decryptor. It combines everything into one easy to use interface.

Encryption Algorithm

1. Key Expansion

The update_data method generates keys for each round by transforming each byte in the original key. This adds complexity by creating a unique set of keys for each round.

def update_data(self, data: str) -> None:
    # generate keys for each round by xor'ing and shifting
    self.keys = [[(b ^ (i + 1)) & 0xFF for b in (bytes(self.key)[1:] + bytes(self.key)[:1])[:4]] 
                 for i in range(self.rounds)]

For example, if key = [1, 2, 3, 4] and rounds = 3, this would create three unique key sets, each transformed for added security.

2. Data Preparation

The data is converted to bytes and padded to ensure it’s divisible by 4 (since the encryption operates on 4 byte blocks). = bytes(data, "utf-8") += bytes([(4 - len(data) % 4) or 4] * ((4 - len(data) % 4) or 4))

For instance, if data = "dexv", the byte format would be padded to b'dexv\x03\x03\x03' (adding three 0x03 bytes to make the length a multiple of 4).

3. VM Program Generation

The vm_program method creates instructions to process each 4 byte block of data with the VM. It sets up operations like loading values, applying xor, and shifting.

def vm_program(self, message: bytes, keys: list, program: list = []) -> bytes:
    for idx in range(len(message) // 4):
        block = message[idx * 4: (idx + 1) * 4]
        # push the message to the stack for analysis pourposes
        for i in range(4): program.extend([[0x01, i, *self.to_bytes(block[i])], [0x40, i]])
        # apply each round of key transformations
        for key in keys:
            program.extend([0x01, 4 + i, *self.to_bytes(key[i])] for i in range(4))
            program.extend([0x20, i, 4 + i] for i in range(4))  # xor with key
            program.extend([0x50, i] for i in range(4))         # accumulate values
            program.extend([0x51, i] for i in range(4))         # apply bit shift
    program.append([0xFF])  # end of program
    return bytes([item for sublist in program for item in sublist])

For each 4 byte block, the program adds instructions to transform the bytes using the keys generated in step 1.

4. Running the VM

With update_data finished, the program is loaded into the VM. When encrypt is called, the VM executes the program, transforming the data.

def encrypt(self) -> str:
    encrypted = bytearray()

    # gather transformed data from the VM’s memory
    for idx in range(len( // 4):
        for i in range(4):
            start = idx * 16 + i * 4
            end = start + 4
            chunk = self.vm.memory[start:end]

This retrieves the encrypted data from vm.memory, where each block has been modified by the loaded program.

5. Final Encoding

The transformed data is encoded into a hexadecimal format and then encoded using Cypher64 (custom b64?) multiple times to strengthen the encryption.

rounds = self.cypther64.encode(self.rounds)
iter = 4 if self.rounds > 300 else 3 if self.rounds > 100 else 2 if self.rounds > 50 else 1
encrypted = self.cypther64.encode(bytes(encrypted).hex())
for _ in range(iter):
    encrypted = self.cypther64.encode(encrypted)
    encrypted = bytes(encrypted.encode()).hex()
    encrypted = self.cypther64.encode(encrypted)

return f"{rounds}:{encrypted}"

For instance, if rounds = 3 and the transformed data is b'\x12\x34\x56\x78', the encoding may convert it to a secure, encoded string like 5fP:QW5mYlNmZk5v.

How to Use


  • Python 3.8 or higher.
  • Install any required packages.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd VMCrypt
  2. Install the required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Here's how you can encrypt and decrypt a message:

from main import Client

# Define a 32-byte key (example)
key = [125, 161, 25, 137, 238, 90, 199, 2, 140, 135, 60, 50, 95, 117, 38, 63, 204, 90, 202, 134, 112, 217, 145, 34, 220, 59, 121, 161, 184, 89, 244, 164]

# Create a Client instance with the key
client = Client(key=key, verbose=False, difficulty=15)

# Define the data to encrypt
data = "Dexv sexy frfr!"

# Encrypt the data
encrypted = client.encrypt(data)
print(f"Encrypted: {encrypted}")

# Decrypt the data
decrypted = client.decrypt(encrypted)
print(f"Decrypted: {decrypted}")

Detailed Logging

To see what the virtual machine is doing during encryption, set verbose=True:

from src.vmcrypt import VMCrypt

vm = VMCrypt(verbose=True)

This will show you more information about each step the virtual machine takes.

Project Structure

  • Analyzes the virtual machine's behavior.
  • Performs calculations.
  • Handles encryption logic.
  • src/ The virtual machine.
  • src/ Handles encryption.
  • src/ Handles decryption.
  • src/ Logging.

How to Contribute

We welcome contributions! Here’s how:

  1. Fork this project.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/your-feature.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m 'Add some feature'.
  4. Push to your branch: git push origin feature/your-feature.
  5. Open a pull request.


  • DEXV - Shit head (retarded) - DEXV - Main Author
  • DCH - Frenchie - DCH-VM - Inspiration