Boilerplate for spinning up a Go API quickly using the Echo framework. Features:
- Ready to go with local docker development and auto-migrations
- Prepped for Authentication ( JWT or Cookies )
- Robust logging
- Prometheus Metrics endpoint + Pprof server
- Example CICD and Deployment using
- Docker Compose
- Watchtower
- Traefik
- Go >= v1.22.4
- Docker
Clone the project and run it locally with Docker
$ git clone
$ cd go-echo-boilerplate
$ make local
Should resolve with
✔ Container go-echo-boilerplate-db-1 Healthy
✔ Container echo_api Started
✔ Container pgadmin4_container Running
Test that all services are up and running by vistiting the following in your browser
Visit localhost:8008/v1/health
{"status": "ok"}
Visit localhost:8008/v1/users?page=1&size=10
"total_count": 1,
"total_pages": 1,
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"has_more": false,
"values": [
"uuid": "9edac806-3fe8-49ef-9522-e137d9a5bb4b",
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"created_at": "2024-08-30T13:16:49.190144Z",
"updated_at": "2024-08-30T13:16:49.190144Z",
"roles": [
A brief overview of the project structure
│cmd/api/main.go # The entrypoint
└───internal # Where all API login lives
│ │
│ └───server
│ | │ handler.go # Handler for all Middleware and API handlers
│ | │ server.go # Inception point for all API servers
│ │
│ └───users # A domain directory
│ │ └───http # Routes and Route Handlers
│ │ └───repository # Queries and Repository layers
│ │ └───service # Service layer for handler->repository transporting and logic
│ | │ service.go # Service interface
│ | │ repository.go # Repository interface
│ | │ handler.go # Handler interface
└───pkg # Public packages
└───utils # Utilities for configs, JWT claims, image parsing, etc..
└───logging # Uber zap logger library
└───middleware # API shared middleware
To extend the API by adding another domain following the created pattern you will create a domain folder under internal/YourDomain
. Lets say you want to create a Businesses domain. Create the businesses directory, and inside create the shared interface files (Service, Repository, Handler). Following that create the directories that hold the actual logic.
The pattern above does not need to be followed exactly. For something like a simple static route you could get away with just a Handler that returns x.txt or something. However, the handler does need to be implemented in /internal/server/handler.go
to define a route and the handling function.
Database migrations are managed by a tool called Goose by Pressly. Migrations can be found under the directory cmd/api/migrations
Create a migration file
$ goose create create_business_table sql
2022110725125_create_business_table.sql generated
Write the migration
-- +goose Up
-- +goose StatementBegin
-- +goose StatementEnd
-- +goose Down
-- +goose StatementBegin
-- +goose StatementEnd
Running migrations
Migrations are automatically applied on a rebuild/restart of the API. Migraiton files are embedded into the main.go
file as well as migration scripts.
API Documentation can be automatically generated via goswag. The godocs written on the handlers functions and models are scanned and turned into OpenAPI documentation inside the /docs
To run the API generate use the makefile command:
make swaggo
Note: At the moment this only supports OpenAPIv2 or Swagger. Still looking for a good solution for auto generation of OpenAPIv3.
The versioning and release system used by the application follows Semver2.0:
- Writing Tests + Coverage
- Toggleable Auth+Middleware
- Microservice example with included OpenTelemetry