Release 0.9.4
DGtalTools 0.9.4
- mesh2vol: add option to add margin in the generated volume
(to better extract the surfel boudary near domain limits).
(Bertrand Kerautret, #322) - vol2vox/vox2vol: tools to convert vol file to a MagicaVoxel VOX file and
conversly. (David Coeurjolly, #314) - volAddNoise moved to
. (David Coeurjolly, #300) - segfault fix in volBoundary2obj (David Coeurjolly, #317)
- Fix the bad surfel display of volBoundary2obj (issue #320)
(Bertrand Kerautret, #321)
- mesh2vol: add option to add margin in the generated volume
- new option to volAddNoise to extract the largest 6-connected
component. (David Coeurjolly, #300) - new option to 3dVolMarchingCubes to add some Kanungo noise to the
input vol file. (David Coeurjolly, #300) - Add thinning based of Critical Kernels using VoxelComplex.
Based on DGtal PR 1147 (Pablo Hernandez, #311)
- new option to volAddNoise to extract the largest 6-connected
New tool for mesh voxelization from a mesh in input (.off)
to a volumetric output (vol, pgm3d) (Monir Hadji, #279) -
2dCompImage : Computes and displays image comparisons (squared and absolute
differences) (Bertrand Kerautret, #313) -
Improve visualisation tools (vol2heightfield, vol2obj, vol2raw, vol2sdp,
vol2slice,volBoundary2obj,3dImageViewer, 3dVolViewer, sliceViewer, Viewer3DImage)
allowing to read longvol including rescaling. (Bertrand Kerautret, #296) -
Add an option to filter vector displayed in 3dSDPViewer.
(Bertrand Kerautret, #297) -
meshViewer: add an option to set the ambient light source.
(Bertrand Kerautret, #303) -
3dSDPViewer: new option to display vector field as unit vectors.
(Bertrand Kerautret, #301)
- sdp2vol: add the automatic set of the domain according to the
bouding box of the set of points. (Bertrand Kerautret, #305)
- sdp2vol: add the automatic set of the domain according to the