A repo for useful IMOS code relating to plankton and satellite data
fIMOS_MatchMODIS.R is a function which does all the heavy lifting. It will download any MODIS data from the IMOS DAP Server
fIMOS_MatchAltimetry.R is a function which downloads Altimtery data from the IMOS DAP server
Example_MatchSat_2_NRS.R is a parent script which can be used to run and test the download of satellite data
TestData* is a test data file (NRS Zooplankton Higher Trophic Levels) as a source of lat/lon/date for the satellite data download.
NOTE: If you are on a Windows PC - You will need to install a development version of ncdf4 which allows the use of OpenDAP. Please run devtools::install_github('mdsumner/ncdf4')
to install or see https://github.com/mdsumner/ncdf4 for more information.