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Serving images on a website using Apache Solr, Diva.js and the CANTUS collection.

The status of manuscripts served by Cantus Ultimus is available here. Inclusion of additional manuscripts should be recorded there.

Cloning the repository

The repository of the Cantus Ultimus website has a submodule cantus-staticpages with the static pages of the website.

Therefore, when cloning the repository, please add the --recursive flag:

git clone --recursive

An alternative option is to clone the repository as you normally would, and then get the submodule:

git submodule update --init

Launching the website

We use Docker Compose to containerize each service and keep all our dependencies in order.

The .env file

The build process relies on environment variables specified in the .env file, which is located at the root of the repository.

You must make two modifications to this file before the docker containers will build. Both POSTGRES_PASSWORD and RABBIT_PASSWORD should be uncommented and set with secure passwords.

Handling postgres authentication issues

When the containers are launched, a volume, data/postgres, will be created. When the POSTGRES_PASSWORD is changed between builds of the docker containers, the postgres container might run into an authentication problem because of the existing volume. If you run into that problem, make sure to remove the volume and re-launch the containers

docker rm -v <container-id>
rm -r data

Launch in development

In the .env file, the PORT variable is set to 8000 (development) by default. This will turn on Django's debug mode, showing detailed traces when Django encounters errors, as well as turn off security settings that might stop you from accessing the site locally. In production, this should be set to 80.

Windows Users: Make sure /app/ has LF line endings before launching. This file gets copied over into an Ubuntu container and will break the process if git automatically checked out the file using Windows (CRLF) line endings.

Execute the following commands from the root directory of the repo:

# Build the images and launch the containers (this will take a while)
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d

When testing your changes, include the --build flag to see your changes propagate into the containers:

docker-compose up --build -d

After the building process completes (10 to 30 minutes), the site should be available on http://localhost:8000/ in your host machine.

By default, Cantus Ultimus works in the following way:

[*] --> nginx: Any HTTP request
nginx --> StaticFile: Serve static files directly
nginx --> gunicorn: Forward webapp requests to port 8001
gunicorn --> django: Serve content from webapp
django --> postgres: Use as default database backend
django --> solr: Bind django database "signals" to solr

Enabling live changes with django's runserver

During development, it is often useful to replace gunicorn with the default django web server, so that modifying the source code results in live changes in the website. This is done by default in If you need to test gunicorn during development, edit the if statement in this file.

Launch in production

From the Compute Canada VM, follow the same instructions as above, only replace docker-compose with docker compose and make sure to keep PORT=80 in the .env file.

Initialize a newly launched website

A freshly initialized instance of the website does not have an admin account. Addititionally, the databases of Manuscripts, Chants, and Folios are not populated.

A few commands will create an admin account and populate the database.

Assuming that the site has been launched and is accessible in http://localhost:8000/, fire up another terminal.

The first thing we need to do is to create an admin account for the website.

# Creating a django admin account for the website
$ docker-compose exec app python createsuperuser

Username (leave blank to use 'root'): 
Email address: 
Password (again): 
Superuser created successfully.

Using your admin credentials, verify that you are able to log into the admin django site, which should be located in http://localhost:8000/admin/


When navigating through any of the tables in the admin interface (e.g., Manuscripts, Concordances, and Chants), they will appear to be empty.

We can pre-populate the Concordances, Manuscripts, and Chants from the information available in the Cantus Database.

The scripts to populate the database are included in the repository. Head back to the terminal where you created the admin user account.

Import the concordances, manuscripts, and chants

# Import the concordances
$ docker-compose exec app python import_data concordances
Deleting old concordances data...
Successfully imported 12 concordances into database.
Waiting for Solr to finish...

# Import the manuscripts
$ docker-compose exec app python import_data manuscripts
Deleting old manuscripts data...
Starting manuscript import process.
# It should take about 5 minutes to import the data.
Successfully imported 155 manuscripts into database.
Waiting for Solr to finish...

# Import the IIIF manifest urls
$ docker-compose exec app python import_data iiif
Deleting old iiif data...
Waiting for Solr to finish...

An additional command is included to import chants associated with a specific manuscript

$ docker-compose exec app python import_data chants --manuscript-id MANUSCRIPT_ID

however, this process can already be done using the user interface. We recommend using the user interface from this point onward.

Adding manuscripts and chants using the admin user interface

Once the manuscript information has been fetched from the Cantus Database, additionally to the Manuscript's metadata, the following fields become available:


(Paris, F-Pnm lat. 15181)

  • The cantus URL
  • The cantus CSV export URL, which contains all chant/folio associations for this manuscript

The process for turning any Manuscript in the initialized database into a searchable Manuscript in the Cantus Ultimus interface involves the following steps:

  1. Importing all the chant information of the manuscript
  2. Defining the source images of the Manuscript through a IIIF Manifest file
  3. Setting the Manuscript as a public Manuscript in the Cantus Ultimus interface
  4. Map the folio information from Cantus Database to the images obtained from the IIIF Manifest

Importing chant information

In the admin interface (located in http://localhost:8000/admin), navigate the list of Manuscripts and select the one you wish to enable in Cantus Ultimus.

Select the manuscript by ticking its corresponding check box.

In the Actions menu located at the top, trigger the action called Import the chants associated with the selected manuscript(s).


This will trigger a series of queries in the backend. Wait until you see the notification Loaded chants for manuscript above the Actions menu. It may take a few minutes for this process to complete.

After refreshing the admin page and looking at the Manuscript in the list, it should appear with the flag Chants loaded enabled. This indicates that the chant information has been added to the database and solr index.


Defining the source images of the Manuscript through a IIIF Manifest file

Of all the manuscripts in the list displayed in the admin interface, only a handful have a public IIIF Manifest with source images.

IIIF Manifest files can be found within libraries such as Gallica, e-codices, and others.

A list of known manifests is maintained in app/data_dumps/manifests.csv and is automatically applied to the database by running import_data iiif. When a IIIF Manifest is located for a specific manuscript, the URL can be included in the manuscript's metadata manually:

Click on the Manuscript's entry.

Introduce the IIIF Manifest URL under the Manifest url field.


Save the changes.

Setting the Manuscript as a public Manuscript in the Cantus Ultimus interface

Making a manuscript a public manuscript indicates to the Cantus Ultimus website that the manuscript should show up under the Manuscript tab of the final user's web interface.

Click on the Manuscript's entry.

Tick the public value.


Save the changes.

Map the folio information from Cantus Database to the images obtained from the IIIF Manifest

Once the chant information and IIIF manifest url have been added to a Manuscript, and the manuscript has been marked as public, the mapping tool becomes available to map the images with the folio metadata.

The mapping tool is located in the following address: http://localhost:8000/admin/map_folios

Within the mapping tool, the new manuscript should appear with an option to Map now.


Click on Map now.

The mapping tool triggers a heuristic search on the background, which tries to map the images in the IIIF Manifest to the folios described in the Cantus Database.

The result of that automatic process will be displayed in the mapping interface.

At this point, the user might want to verify that the information provided by the automatic mapping is accurate, and correct it when it is not.

In the mapping interface, green folio pages indicate a folio has been mapped to an image manifest, whereas a red folio page indicates that a folio has not been mapped to an image from the manifest.


Once the mapping process has been manually revised, conclude the mapping process by clicking on Submit this Mapping.

It may take several minutes for the backend of the website to deploy the changes across the database and solr index.

The user will be able to know when that process has concluded by revisiting the admin interface. A complete mapping process will activate the Is mapped flag in the corresponding manuscript.

At this point, the manuscript should be searchable within the main website.

Manuscript Inventory

Name Provenance Siglum Cantus DB Record IIIF Manifest Supported Served on Notes
Arras, Bibliothèque municipale, 893 (olim 465) Arras F-AS 893 Y Y Y
Città del Vaticano (Roma), Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, lat. 8737 Italy I-Rvat lat. 8737 Y Y Urlopen error on loading manifest
Città del Vaticano (Roma), Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, San Pietro B.79 Rome I-Rvat SP B.79 Y Y Urlopen error on loading manifest
Dendermonde, Sint-Pieters-en Paulusabdij, ms. 9 Rupertsberg B-Dea 9 Y Y Y Y
Einsiedeln, Kloster Einsiedeln - Musikbibliothek, 611 Einsiedeln CH-E 611 Y Y Y Y
Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 121 Einsiedeln CH-E 121 Y Y Y
Fribourg, Bibliothèque des Cordeliers, 2 Franciscan CH-Fco 2 Y Y Y Y
Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek, Aa 55 Rasdorf D-Ful Aa 55 Y Y Solved with #575. To be tested.
Gent, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Hs BKT.006 ("Tsgrooten Antiphoner") Tongerloo B-Gu Hs BKT.006 Y Y
Gottschalk Antiphoner (fragments) Lambach Abbey GOTTSCHALK Y Y Odd ID's in map folios stage
Halifax (Canada), St. Mary’s University - Patrick Power Library, M2149.L4 1554 Salzinnes CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 Y Y Y Y
Halifax (Canada), St. Mary’s University - Patrick Power Library, M2149.L4 1554 OLDIMAGES Salzinnes CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 (old images) Y Y Y Y
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek - Musikabteilung, Aug. LX Zwiefalten D-KA Aug. LX Y Y Y Y
Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek, 1010 Klosterneuburg A-KN 1010 Y Y IIIF server broken -- only thumbnail images available
Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek, 1011 Klosterneuburg A-KN 1011 Y Y IIIF server broken -- only thumbnail images available
Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek, 1012 Klosterneuburg A-KN 1012 Y Y IIIF server broken -- only thumbnail images available
Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek, 1013 Klosterneuburg A-KN 1013 Y Y IIIF server broken -- only thumbnail images available
Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek, 1015 Klosterneuburg A-KN 1015 Y Y IIIF server broken -- only thumbnail images available
Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek, 1018 Klosterneuburg A-KN 1018 Y Y IIIF server broken -- only thumbnail images available
Klosterneuburg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek, 589 Klosterneuburg A-KN 589 Y Y IIIF server broken -- only thumbnail images available
Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection, MS Medieval 0073 Dominican CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 Y Y
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4303 Augsburg D-Mbs Clm 4303 Y Y Y Y
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4304 Augsburg D-Mbs Clm 4304 Y Y Y Y
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4305 Augsburg D-Mbs Clm 4305 Y Y Parts of images seem to be missing
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4306 Augsburg D-Mbs Clm 4306 Y Y Y Y
Münster Antiphoner (1537) Muenster MA Impr. 1537 Y Y Y
New York, Columbia University - Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Plimpton MS 041 Italy US-Nycub Plimpton MS 041 Y Y IIIF manifest structure is not standard
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Canon. Liturg. 202 (olim 19314) Germany GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202 Y Y Y
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Laud Misc. 284 Wurzburg GB-Ob Laud Misc. 284 Y Y Y
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits, latin 1085 St. Martial F-Pnm lat. 1085 Y Y Y
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits, latin 1090 Marseille F-Pnm lat. 1090 Y Y Y
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits, latin 12044 St-Maur-des-Fosses F-Pnm lat. 12044 Y Y Y Y
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits, latin 1240 St-Martial F-Pnm lat. 1240 Y Y Y
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits, latin 12601 St. Tuarin F-Pnm lat. 12601 Y Y Y
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits, latin 15181 Paris F-Pnm lat. 15181 Y Y Y Y
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits, latin 15182 Paris F-Pnm lat. 15182 Y Y Y
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits, NAL 1411 Milan F-Pnm NAL 1411 Y Y Y
Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, 18 Bellelay Abbey CH-P 18 Y Y Y Y
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 388 St. Gallen CH-SGs 388 Y Y Y
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 390 St. Gallen CH-SGs 390 Y Y Y
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 391 St. Gallen CH-SGs 391 Y Y Y
Tours, Bibliothèque municipale, 149 Tours F-TOm 149 Y Y Y
Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) Utrecht NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) Y Y 403 Forbidden error on get request to manifest
Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale, 114 St-Amand Abbey F-VAL 114 Y Y Y
Wiesbaden, Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek RheinMain, 2 (Riesencodex) Rupertsberg D-WI1 2 Y Y IIIF does not contain images of folios with chants
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek - Cod. Guelf. 28 Helmst. (Heinemann-Nr. 31) Hilwartshausen D-W 28 Helmst. Y Y Solved with #575. To be tested.
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek - Cod. Guelf. 29 Helmst. (Heinemann-Nr. 32) Hilwartshausen D-W 29 Helmst. Y Y Solved with #575. To be tested.
Wroclaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka (University Library), I F 401 Lubiaz PL-Wru I F 401 Y Y Y Y
CH-Ff Ms.9 Y
CH-SGs 359 Y
F-Pnm lat. 1112 Y
F-Pnm lat. 12054 Y
F-Pnm lat. 776 Y
F-Pnm lat. 943 Y
F-Pnm 1412 Y
F-Pnm 1535 Y
GB-CCC Ms. 146 Y
US-Pru Princeton MS. 245 Y