v0.1.0 beta
Hello, World
This is a preliminary release of Pixel.js. This version allows a user to draw on top of a manuscript page in Diva.js v.6.0
, thus assigning a class to each pixel of the page. The user can then export his changes in the form of a CSV file, highlights PNG or image data PNG.
- Opacity control for individual layers as well as background
- Activation/deactivation
- Reordering (by dragging and dropping)
- Support fo creating/destroying/duplicating layers as well as layer colour change.
- Drawing on canvas, canvas resized to zoomLevel.
Shapes, paths:
- Drawing rectangles and paths in different coords systems (viewport, page)
- Specifying blend mode (add/subtract).
- Support for circle and line drawing.
- Getting all pixels spanned by a shape at a certain zoom level.
- As csv (with the dimensions of the page at the current zoom level. Each entry of the csv represents a pixel of the page)
- As highlights png (exports layers as an image by filling the pixels spanned by the layer by the layer colour)
- As image data png (exports layers as an image by filling the pixels spanned by the layer by the the actual pixel colour from the manuscript).
- Download links after exporting has finished processing
- brush (with brush size control)
- eraser (with brush size control)
- Straight line drawing when holding Shift key in brush and eraser modes
- rectangle
- square drawing when holding Shift key in rectangle mode
- grab
- Undo/Redo paths and shape drawing/erasing
- Script: Installs dependencies, builds and runs Diva.js with Pixel.js on top
- Tutorial page: Indicates the start of Pixel.js, currently displays the list of hotkeys