Releases: DARPA-ASKEM/sciml-service
Releases · DARPA-ASKEM/sciml-service
Release v1.2.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
Release v1.1.0
What's Changed
- Update to use MTK v9 by @jClugstor in #176
- Pointing to legacy endpoint for model configs by @dvince2 in #178
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
Release v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Update tests for AMR changes by @joshday in #111
- Update rabbitmq configs by @Jami159 in #113
- Use env var for rabbitmq host by @Jami159 in #115
- Intermediateresults by @jClugstor in #116
- Rename
by @fivegrant in #122 - Add version to health endpoint by @fivegrant in #123
- Intermediate results loss reporting for Calibrate. Option for intermediate result reporting every integration step. by @jClugstor in #124
- Trigger report after bake by @fivegrant in #127
- Calibrate uses IntermediateResults. Optimization iterations are reported. by @jClugstor in #129
- add boolean flag for AMQPS by @mwdchang in #131
- Finished solve for simulate ensembles by @jClugstor in #130
- Compile as app during docker build by @fivegrant in #137
- Inter results fixes by @jClugstor in #136
- Inter results fixes by @jClugstor in #138
- Fix intermediate results (again), add test coverage for intermediate results. by @jClugstor in #139
- Custom queue by @mwdchang in #140
- use the mappings tstep as timestamp by @jClugstor in #144
- ode.observables is not a required field by @mwdchang in #145
- match data with state only if state is in data by @jClugstor in #147
- Dataset timestamp col mapping by @Jami159 in #149
- Set queue passive to true by @Jami159 in #150
- changes to tstep and timestamp shouldn't be implemented yet by @jClugstor in #151
- Solving ensembles, and move tests to simulation-integration by @jClugstor in #148
- Ensemble refactor by @jClugstor in #153
- Ensure that ensemble-calibrate respects the solution mappings. by @jClugstor in #155
- Make get_dataset get use tstep correctly when it's a symbol or a string. by @jClugstor in #156
- ensemble-calibrate saveat timestamps by @jClugstor in #157
- Updatest to 1.10, fixes precompilation by @jClugstor in #159
- This PR adds support for RegNets and Stock and Flow models to the SciML Service. by @jClugstor in #160
- Update Julia version in docker file by @jClugstor in #161
- terarium dataservice migration changes by @kbirk in #158
- ci: cloud builder for multi arch builds by @Nithos in #163
- fix s3 request header by @mwdchang in #164
- add route to convert petrinet/regnet/stocknflow odes to latex by @mwdchang in #165
- Test arm64 by @YohannParis in #162
- Various updates from Hackathon by @joshday in #166
- Fix observables for StockFlow by @jClugstor in #170
- Allows for stocks with null upstreams and downstreams by @jClugstor in #171
New Contributors
- @Jami159 made their first contribution in #113
- @kbirk made their first contribution in #158
- @Nithos made their first contribution in #163
- @YohannParis made their first contribution in #162
Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v1.0.0
Release 0.17.0
What's Changed
- actually fix timestep -> timestamp by @joshday in #105
- JSONSchema.jl, validate models vs. petrinet schema by @jClugstor in #106
New Contributors
- @jClugstor made their first contribution in #106
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0
Release 0.16.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.14.5...v0.16.0
Filenames fixed, more parsing of strings
WIP Ensemble and some other fixes (#103) Co-authored-by: Christopher Rackauckas <>
Real calibrate payload tested and running
v0.14.5 Allow both distribution types, fix typo (#102)
Fixed docker build
v0.14.4 bump version (#101)
Allow Uniform1 Distributions
v0.14.3 Allow Uniform1 (#99)
Patches to calibrate
v0.14.2 Another patch (#98)