mlperf contains code snippets of various API and use cases for MarkLoigc with the intent to explore the performance behaviors for differennt styles of APIs and uses.
Initial commit contains examples uploading small JSON documents using the Java API and XCC with a variety of methods including:
Single document upload
"Chunked" (batch) docuement upload
Implicit and explicit data binding
POJO and Document interfaces
Eval ('adHoq') Query with document as external variables (both single andchunked)
There is currently a single form for the sample document "POJO" which is a simple Plain Old Java Object ("POJO") containing a few fields and an array of an inner class containing a few fields.
The size of the inner array can be specified with --innersz to simulate more or less complex objects as well as making the object bigger and smaller. The intent is to vary the complexity (number of java fields in this case) of the object to examine the effect of data mapping and serialization methods.
SSL/HTTPS/XCCS is supported by the --ssl flag. Host and certificate validation are disabled. This allows the test to run against production systems which are using SSL and/or SSL terminating load balencers. SSL adds a per-connection overhead as well as a small flat overhead (varies linearly by size total size of data transfered).
./gradlew installDist
build/install/mlperf/bin/mlperf [options]
Output is intermixed with informative messages on stderr and TSV (Tab seperated output) on stdout.
Example: (lines prefixed with ">" are on stderr)
>Running test set with 1000 documents, inner array size 10 chunk size 10
test docs chunks elapsed ms docs/sec
>Running writePOJONoop
writePOJONoop 1000 1 1548.822562 645.6517515529323
>Running writePOJO
writePOJO 1000 1 4499.53476 222.2451994125722
>Running writePOJOAsDataBind
writePOJOAsDataBind 1000 1 4251.622473 235.20432643079596
>Running writePojoAsDatabindChunked
writePojoAsDatabindChunked 1000 10 1598.268717 625.6770149872114
>Running writePojoAsDatabindEval
writePojoAsDatabindEval 1000 1 3022.407145 330.86210825510733
>Running writePojoAsEvalString
writePojoAsEvalString 1000 1 2731.730963 366.0682598486182
>Running writePojoAsDatabindEval
writePojoAsDatabindEval 1000 1 3092.188935 323.3955042918488
>Running writePojoAsDatabindEvalChunked
writePojoAsDatabindEvalChunked 1000 10 1225.358812 816.0874922569212
>Running xccWriteJSONAsNoop
xccWriteJSONAsNoop 1000 1 488.191895 2048.374850631226
>Running xccWriteJSON
xccWriteJSON 1000 10 1315.007626 760.4518637217393
>Running xccWriteJSONAsString
xccWriteJSONAsString 1000 1 1118.34644 894.1772998356395
>Running xccWriteJSONChunked
xccWriteJSONChunked 1000 10 1100.735967 908.483078576463
>Running xccWriteJSONChunked2
xccWriteJSONChunked2 1000 10 1534.742218 651.5752210838054
>Running xccWriteJSONAsStringChunked
xccWriteJSONAsStringChunked 1000 10 1041.018183 960.5980148379408
>Running xccWriteJSONAsEval
xccWriteJSONAsEval 1000 1 1597.242932 626.0788387072981
mlperf --help
Usage: <main class> [options]
Chunk size in #docs for chunked tests
Default: 10
--docs, --documents
Number of documents (total)
Default: 1000
--host, --hostname
Marklogic Hostname
Default: localhost
--ssl, --https
Default: false
Per document inner array size
Default: 10
--no-pojo, --no-run-pojo
Default: false
--no-xdbc, --no-run-xdbc
Default: false
Default: admin
Port with REST API and XDBC compatible
Default: 8000
Default: 0
Default: admin