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This is a very simple example that shows the model stability in transitional flows.
Below is a Julia script to make the bathymetry.
using GMT
G = mat2grid(transpose(Bathy), 1,[xmin xmax ymin ymax -5.0 5.0 1 dx dx])
cmap = grd2cpt(G); # Compute a colormap with the grid's data range
grdimage(G, lw=:thinnest, color=cmap, fmt=:png, show=true)
gmtwrite("bathy.asc", G; id="ef");
The result is a grid domain looking like this:
You can also use the bathy.asc file in the example folder.
We are going to set the water level to 0.0m on the right and 1.0 on the left and keep it constant. To dio that we create 2 files right.txt
and left.bnd
# This is the right boundary
0.0 0.0
3600.0 0.0
# This is the right boundary
0.0 1.0
3600.0 1.0
First it is good practice to document your parameter file:
## Jet demo
# CB 04/05/2019
Then specify the bathymetry file to use. We will use the entire domain and resolution of the file so no need for other parameter for specifying the domain.
Specify the parameter theta to control the numerical diffusion of the model. but first let's leave it to the default.
This is a relatively small model so we can force the netcdf variable to be saved as floats.
Sepcify the model duration, output timestep and output file name and variables
Specify absorbing boundaries for left and right (There is a wal at the top and bottom so no need to specify any boundary there).
right = 3; # Absorbing bnd
rightbndfile = right.bnd
left=3; # Absorbing bnd
leftbndfile = left.txt
If you are on windows simply double-click on the executable and in linux launch the binary.
Vorticity output should look like this:
- What happens when using a different value for theta (1-2.0)
- What happens when specifying a different type of boundary on the right
- What happens when you bring the boundary close to the jet
- Why is the jet so unstable/asymmetrical? (what are the initial condition like?)
This is a great example to test whether there are bugs in the model and how the boundary work.
We start with a flat bathymetry with 0.0 everywhere. You still need a file for that!
Here a couple of suggestion on making the file:
Using GMT:
grdmath -R-5/5/-5/5 -I0.03921 0 MUL = bathy.nc
Using Julia: See section below with the hotstart file.
In any case you can pick up the file in the example folder.
We want to setup a bump in the water level centered in the middle of the bathy. IN the example below this is done using Julia, but it should be easily done in Matlab or Python. Note that the script below also generates a bathymetry file.
using GMT
# Make a bathy file
G = mat2grid(transpose(zb), 1,[xx[1] xx[end] yy[1] yy[end] minimum(zb) maximum(zb) 1 dx dx])
gmtwrite("bathy.asc", G; id="ef");
#make the hotstart file
for i=1:nx
for j=1:ny
hh[i,j] = 1.0.+ 1.0.*exp.(-1.0*(xx[i].*xx[i] .+ yy[j].*yy[j]));
#hh[i,j] =
G = mat2grid(transpose(hh), 1,[xx[1] xx[end] yy[1] yy[end] minimum(hh) maximum(hh) 1 dx dx])
cmap = grd2cpt(G); # Compute a colormap with the grid's data range
grdimage(G, lw=:thinnest, color=cmap, fmt=:png, show=true)
gmtwrite("gauss.asc", G; id="ef");
gmtwrite("gauss.nc", G);
# GMT netcdf variable is "z" by default but the hotstart file needs "zs" for water surface
gmt("grdmath gauss.nc 1.0 MUL = gauss_zs.nc?zs");
We are going to set the water level to 0.0m on all 4 sides and keep it constant. To do that we create 1 files zero.txt
# This is the a boundary
0.0 0.0
3600.0 0.0
First it is good practice to document your parameter file:
## Gaussian bump demo
# CB 04/05/2019
Then specify the bathymetry file to use. We will use the entire domain and resolution of the file so no need for other parameter for specifying the domain.
This is a relatively small model so we can force the netcdf variable to be saved as floats.
Specify the hotstart file:
Boundary conditions are all the same :
right = 3; # Absorbing bnd
rightbndfile = zeros.txt
top = 3; # Absorbing bnd
topbndfile = zeros.txt
bot = 3; # Absorbing bnd
botbndfile = zeros.txt
left=3; # Absorbing bnd
Time keeping:
Output parameters:
# Netcdf file for snapshot of the model domain
# Outpout a single txt file with all the model steps at the nearest node to location x=0.0, y=-4.0
# This file will contain 5 column: time,zs,hh,uu,vv
Plot Southside.txt in your favorite tool.
- What happens with different boundary types
- Try running with double precision. What is the difference?
This tutorial is the next stat from the Gaussian wave. Here we produce a realistic tsunami and let it propagate across the Pacific.
The bathymetry file we are using was extracted from the GEBCO gobal bathymetry using GMT command grdcut / grdsample. This section needs a tutorial of its own. Here in the BG_param.txt
we specify the file name and that it is a spherical model domain.
# Bathymetry file
bathy = Tpac_big.asc;
spherical = 1;
The file covers a bigger area than we want to use for the simulation so we restict the domain:
Also we do not want to simulate Blocks that are entirely covered in land where the elevation is bigger than say 30.0m above the datum
mask = 30.0;
See matlab file in the folder or simply use:
In the previous tutorial you have seen how different boundary type let's wave through with minimal reflection. You choose.
totaltime = 0.000000; # Start time
endtime = 54000.000000;
outputtimestep = 600.000000;
outvars = hh,zs,zsmax;
# Files
outfile = Output_simple_fault.nc;
smallnc = 0; #if smallnc==1 all Output are scaled and saved as a short int
TSnode = -86.374,-17.984
TSOfile = SW_Lima.txt
- Try changing the model domain and resolution. What happens if part of the domain is outside of the area covered by the bathymetry?
- Try outputing a time series near Christchurch
Here we setup a model of the Waikanae Catchment (on the Kapiti Coast in New Zealand) force the tide on one of the open boundary