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πŸ“¦ Ready-to-use Docker container image with cloud tools (AWS CLI, Google Cloud CLI, Firebase CLI, Hetzner Cloud CLI, Terraform, Packer, Ansible)


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Cloud Tools Container

Badge: Ansible Badge: AWS Badge: Bitbucket Badge: CircleCI Badge: Docker Badge: Firebase Badge: GitLab Badge: GNU Bash Badge: Go Badge: Google Cloud Badge: Hetzer Cloud Badge: Kubernetes Badge: Packer Badge: Perl Badge: Python Badge: Terraform Badge: Ubuntu Badge: Vault Badge:Last release Badge:Last release Badge: Docker pulls Badge: License

Ready-to-use Docker container image for AWS CodeBuild/CodePipeline, Bitbucket Pipelines, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, GitLab runner jobs and Google Cloud Build.



Multiarch support:

  • amd64 : Intel or AMD 64-Bit CPU (x86-64)
  • arm64 : Arm-based 64-Bit CPU (i.e. Apple silicon, AWS Graviton, Ampere Altra)


This project leverages GitHub Actions ( for streamlined automated builds and deployments. The Container image is rebuilt on a weekly basis, every Monday.


This Docker container image is based on the Ubuntu 24.04 release (ubuntu:noble).

The following software is included and tested:

  • Ansible infrastructure as configuration (IaC) software tool (ansible and ansible-playbook)
  • AWS command line interface (CLI) tools (aws)
  • Firebase command line interface (CLI) tools (firebase)
  • fuego command line firestore client (fuego)
  • Hetzner Cloud CLI (hcloud)
  • GCR Cleaner deletes old container images on registries (gcr-cleaner-cli)
  • Google Cloud command line interface (CLI) tools (gcloud, gsutil and bq)
  • Open Policy Agent general-purpose policy engine, context-aware policy enforcement (opa)
  • Packer (packer)
  • ShellCheck analysis and linting tool for Shell/Bash scripts (shellcheck)
  • skopeo command line utility that performs various operations on container images and repositories (skopeo)
  • Terraform infrastructure as configuration (IaC) software tool (terraform)
    • terraform-docs generates documentation from Terraform modules (terraform-docs)
    • Terragrunt thin wrapper that provides extra tools (terragrunt)
    • tflint linting tool for Terraform code (tflint)
    • tfsec analysis security scanner for Terraform code (tfsec)
  • Kubernetes
  • Vault password manager and authentication tool (vault)
  • yq command-line YAML, JSON and XML processor (yq)
  • Base packages
    • GNU bash 5 (bash)
    • apt-utils
    • build-essential
      • GNU C compiler gcc
      • make utility for directing compilation (make)
    • Common CA certificates
    • curl tool for transferring data with URL syntax (curl)
    • DiG DNS lookup utility (dig)
    • FIGlet prints its input using large characters (figlet)
    • git distributed revision control system (git)
    • jq JSON processor (jq)
    • Mutt command line email client (mutt)
    • Node.js JavaScript runtime environment (node)
      • npm package manager for the JavaScript (npm)
    • OpenSSL cryptography toolkit (openssl)
    • OpenSSH remote login client (ssh)
    • Perl 5 programming language (perl)
      • cpanm modules installer for Perl (cpanm)
    • Python 3 programming language (python3)
      • pip package installer for Python (pip3)
      • flake8 code checker using pycodestyle and pyflakes (flake8)
    • Go programming language (go)
    • GNU tar archiving utility (tar)
    • De-archiver for .zip files (unzip)
    • Archiver for .zip files (zip)


Runs a command in the container, pulling the image if needed and starting the container.

Docker 🐳

Docker run command:

docker run cyclenerd/cloud-tools-container:latest aws --version

Podman 🦭

Podman run command:

podman run aws --version


Example configurations for various CI/CD tools.

AWS CodeBuild

AWS CodeBuild configuration:

  "environment": {
    "type": "LINUX_CONTAINER",
    "image": "cyclenerd/cloud-tools-container:latest",
    "computeType": "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL"

Google Cloud Build

Google Cloud Build (cloudbuild.yaml) configuration file:

  - name: 'cyclenerd/cloud-tools-container:latest'
    entrypoint: 'gcloud'
    args: ['--version']

GitLab CI/CD

Google Cloud Service Account Key

GitLab CI/CD (.gitlab-ci.yml) configuration with Google Cloud Service Account Key:

  GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: "/tmp/service_account_key.json"

  image: cyclenerd/cloud-tools-container:latest
    # Login
    - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"

  - auth

  stage: auth
    - gcloud auth list

Google Cloud Workload Identity Federation

GitLab CI/CD (.gitlab-ci.yml) configuration with Google Cloud Workload Identity Federation login:

  WIF_PROVIDER: projects/1057256049272/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/gitlab-com/providers/gitlab-com-oidc
  SERVICE_ACCOUNT: [email protected]
  GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS: gcp_temp_cred.json

  image: cyclenerd/cloud-tools-container:latest
    # Login
    - echo "${CI_JOB_JWT_V2}" > gitlab_jwt_token.txt
    - gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-cred-config "${WIF_PROVIDER}"
    - gcloud config set auth/credential_file_override "${GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS}"
  - auth

  stage: auth
    - gcloud auth list

Bitbucket Pipelines

Google Cloud Workload Identity Federation

Bitbucket pipeline configuration (bitbucket-pipelines.yml) with Google Cloud Workload Identity Federation login:

image: cyclenerd/cloud-tools-container:latest

    - step:
        name: "Workload Identity Federation"
        # Enable OIDC
        oidc: true
        max-time: 5
          # Set variables
          - export WIF_PROVIDER='projects/753695557698/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/bitbucket-org/providers/bitbucket-org-oidc'
          - export SERVICE_ACCOUNT='[email protected]'
          - export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS='gcp_temp_cred.json'
          # Configure Workload Identity Federation via a credentials file.
          - echo ${BITBUCKET_STEP_OIDC_TOKEN} > .ci_job_jwt_file
          - gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-cred-config "${WIF_PROVIDER}"
          - gcloud config set auth/credential_file_override "${GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS}"
          # Now you can run gcloud commands authenticated as the impersonated service account.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions configuration:

    runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest'
    # Use container to run the steps in a job
      image: 'docker://cyclenerd/cloud-tools-container:latest'
      - name: "Terraform"
        run: terraform --version


CircleCI configuration:

      - image: cyclenerd/cloud-tools-container:latest
      - run:
          name: Google Cloud CLI
          command: gcloud --version


Multi-Platform Image (AMD64 and ARM64)

To build a container image that can run on both AMD64 and ARM64 architectures, use the following command:

podman manifest create "cloud-tools-container"
podman build . \
  --manifest "cloud-tools-container" \
  --platform "linux/amd64,linux/arm64" \
  --tag "cloud-tools-container:multi"

Platform-Specific Images

Create a container image only for Intel or AMD 64-Bit CPU (x86-64):

podman build . \
  --platform "linux/amd64" \
  --tag "cloud-tools-container:amd64"

Create a container image only for Arm-based 64-Bit CPU:

podman build . \
  --platform "linux/arm64" \
  --tag "cloud-tools-container:arm64"

(Alternative) Combining Images into a Multi-Platform Image

To combine platform-specific images into one multi-platform image:

podman manifest create "cloud-tools-container:multi" \
  --amend "cloud-tools-container:amd64" \
  --amend "cloud-tools-container:arm64"
podman manifest inspect "cloud-tools-container:multi" | jq


Have a patch that will benefit this project? Awesome! Follow these steps to have it accepted.

  1. Please read how to contribute.
  2. Fork this Git repository and make your changes.
  3. Create a Pull Request.
  4. Incorporate review feedback to your changes.
  5. Accepted!


All files in this repository are under the Apache License, Version 2.0 unless noted otherwise.