I am Cyber, a university student studying at Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. I'm doing a BSc in Computer Science, conjointly with a BPsyc in Psychology and Brain Sciences & Mental Health. My main hobbyist programming relates to Discord and Minecraft as platforms, which is (at the time of writing) seen in my pinned repositories. I'm very reachable on Discord (cyberflameu) - to contact me, feel free to add me and flick me a DM there, or email me at [email protected]. Alternatively, feel free to create an issue/discussion outlining what you need as I have notifications enabled for those two mediums (although GitHub's issues/discussions are publicly viewable).
I have a bunch of stale forks which can be considered equal to starring repositories for the purposes of viewing my profile - to see most of my actual repositories you can select the 'Sources' type when viewing the repositories on my profile (or use this link to avoid a few clicks)