Implementation for paper "Bop and Beyond: A Second Order Optimizer for Binarized Neural Networks".
Great part of this code was adapted from Bop
- Python version
- Tensorflow version
- Larq version
- Zookeeper version
This is a complete Python module. To install it in your local Python environment, cd
into the folder containing
and run:
pip install -e .
To train a model locally, you can use the cli:
bnno train binarynet --dataset cifar10
To reproduce the runs comparing the different combinations of:
- Batch & Biased
bnno train binarynet_batch \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder \
--hparams threshold=1e-6,gamma=1e-7,sigma=1e-3,epochs=150 \
- Batch & Unbiased
bnno train binarynet_batch \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder_unbiased \
--hparams threshold=1e-6,gamma=1e-7,sigma=1e-3,epochs=150 \
- Layer & Biased
bnno train binarynet \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder \
--hparams threshold=1e-6,gamma=1e-7,sigma=1e-3,epochs=150 \
- Layer & Unbiased
bnno train binarynet \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder_unbiased \
--hparams threshold=1e-6,gamma=1e-7,sigma=1e-3,epochs=150 \
To reproduce the runs exploring various hyperparameters, run:
bnno train binarynet_batch \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder_unbiased \
--hparams threshold=1e-6,gamma=1e-7,sigma=1e-3,epochs=100 \
where you use the appropriate values for threshold, gamma, and sigma.
To reproduce the exploration of the schedulers applied to the hyperparameters, for the unbiased version, run:
bnno train binarynet_batch \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder_unbiased_testExp \
--hparams epochs_decay=100,threshold=1e-6,threshold_decay=0.1,gamma=1e-7,gamma_decay=0.1,sigma=1e-3,sigma_decay=0.1 \
For the biased version:
bnno train binarynet_batch \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder_testExp \
--hparams epochs_decay=100,threshold=1e-6,threshold_decay=0.1,gamma=1e-7,gamma_decay=0.1,sigma=1e-3,sigma_decay=0.1 \
where you use the appropriate initial values for the hyperparameters, the decay values for each of them, and at how many epochs will the values be decayed.
To achieve the accuracy in the paper of 91.4% for the unbiased version, run:
bnno train binarynet_batch \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder_unbiased_CIFAR \
To achieve the accuracy in the paper of 91.9% for the biased version, run:
bnno train binarynet_batch \
--dataset cifar10 \
--preprocess-fn resize_and_flip \
--hparams-set bop2ndOrder_CIFAR \
To reproduce the reported results on ImageNet, run:
bnno train xnornet_batch --dataset imagenet2012 --hparams-set bop2ndOrder_ImageNet
bnno train birealnet_batch --dataset imagenet2012 --hparams-set bop2ndOrder_ImageNet
This should give the results listed below. Click on the tensorboard icons to see training and validation accuracy curves of the reported runs.
Network | Bop2ndOrder - top-1 accuracy | |
XNOR-Net | 46.9% | |
Bi-Real Net | 57.2% |