v1.2.0.1 Mandatory Release
This release is mandatory and will take effect on block 190,000.
Recently there was an exploit where people could fake a stake and claim rewards from past blocks.
More if can be found here.
- https://medium.com/@dsl_uiuc/fake-stake-attacks-on-chain-based-proof-of-stake-cryptocurrencies-b8b05723f806
- Pivx PR: PIVX-Project/PIVX#803
- Update we used: paws-fund/PAWS-Core@35578a0
(Credit to the PAWS Team)
Other things changed
- Dark gravity wave difficulty implemented
- Changing the revive address to an address owned by Matt to fund partnerships (Still 5% of total blocks in a 1440 block day)
- Added ban tables in peers section
- Showing all zCCBC minted
- Ability to automint zCCBC but turned off by default
- Added ability to invalidate 2 address (Mark299 AU Address, Burn Address)