This repository contains a Docker image built over the standard Neo4j community edition container that pre-populates the graph database with the following CCS Guided Match decision tree structures:
- Linen & Laundry (RM6154)
- Wider public sector legal services (RM3788)
- Facilities Management 2 (Facilities)
- Facilities Management 2 (Housing)
- Facilities Management 2 (Security)
- Tech Products (RM3733), TePAS (RM6068) & EduTech (RM6103)
The structure for each decision tree is defined in Cypher Query Language and each script is executed against the graph database engine to load the data as the container is started.
The image is comprised of a standard Dockerfile which copies
and all resources from the graph
subdirectory into the container. The
script (the entry point for the container) starts Neo4j via the standard
and waits until the service is stable before using the cypher-shell
command line utility to connect and populate the graph using the Cypher scripts from the graph subdirectory. The script also sets the Neo4j admin account credentials and creates a service account based on the following environment variables:
(default 'neo4j')DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD
The Docker image can be built and tagged in a local development environment using:
docker build . -t scale/decision-tree-db:latest
To then start a container and expose the graph over the Neo4j Bolt protocol on port 7687, use:
docker run --rm -p 7687:7687 --env "DB_ADMIN_USERNAME=neo4j" --env "DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password" --env "DB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME=scale_dt" --env "DB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=password" scale/decision-tree-db:latest
Note we add the --rm
flag to ensure the container is removed when stopped, and pass in values for environment variables that the
startup script expects.
The Neo4j browser can be used to connect to, query and visualise the graph:
With the container running on the local machine, connect via bolt://localhost:7687
using either the admin or service account credentials provided in the docker run
MATCH (j:Journey {uuid: 'b87a0636-654e-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003'})-[fq:FIRST_QUESTION]->(fqi:QuestionInstance)
OPTIONAL MATCH p1 = (fqi)-[*]->(ag:AnswerGroup)-[:HAS_OUTCOME]->(:Agreement)-[:HAS_LOT]->(:Lot)
return j, fq, fqi, p1