π Hi there, I'm CrimsonTome (She/Her)
View my GitHub Stats
- CrimsonTome/crimsontome.com - My personal site - created with Zola using the terminimal theme (3 weeks ago)
- CrimsonTome/MTG-deck-stats - Application to import data into Tableau or other analytics software (3 months ago)
- FreesideHull/hullblogs.com - Aggregated posts from University of Hull students (8 months ago)
- CrimsonTome/config - config files (8 months ago)
- FreesideHull/StudentResources - A list of resources created by and for students (10 months ago)
- Fix repo link in a few places on hullcss/hullcss-astro (1 year ago)
- Add Docker Compose support on hullcss/hullcss-discord-bot (1 year ago)
- feat: add Dockerfile on FreesideHull/hullblogs.com (2 years ago)
- 2nd checkpoint slides on DDD-group-22-23/DDD-group-project (2 years ago)
- feature/selenium on DDD-group-22-23/DDD-group-project (2 years ago)
- coreybutler/nvm-windows - A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go. (1 week ago)
- Schniz/fnm - π Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust (1 week ago)
- Davi-S/sddm-theme-minesddm - A Minecraft themed SDDM (1 week ago)
- jellyfin/jellyfin-plugin-anilist - (1 week ago)
- MALSync/MALSync - Integrates MyAnimeList/AniList/Kitsu/Simkl into various sites, with auto episode tracking. (1 week ago)