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🏏 Crickly

Crickly is a simple app to store cricket match details.

πŸ“ Note: Development is still in progress and not in a stable state.

Detailed documentation is in the docs directory. (Not produced yet. So instead heres a unicorn... πŸ¦„)

πŸ›« Quick start

  1. Install pip install crickly

  2. Add crickly to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this

  1. Include the URLconf in your project like this
    path(r'^matches/', include('crickly.core.urls.matches')),
    path(r'^stats/', include('crickly.core.urls.stats')),
    path(r'^api/', include('crickly.core.urls.api')),
  1. Run python migrate to create the crickly models.

  2. Run python collectstatic to get static files.

  3. Add this to your base template

    <script src="{% static "crickly/scripts.js"%}"></script>
    <script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  1. Start the development server and visit to create a match (you'll need the Admin app enabled).

  2. Visit to view match details. Visit to view statistics.

πŸ”§ Extensions

There are several extensions to make this app more usable, they are:

  • Crickly-playcricket: This extension links the core app to the ECB Play Cricket system. It is helpful for clubs who play in leagues that require the results to be added to playcricket.
  • Crickly-matchreports: βš™οΈ Under Development. This adds a match report section to the website.
  • Crickly-fantasyleague: βš™οΈ Under Development. This adds a fantasy league section to the website. A good fundraiser for cricket clubs.
  • Crickly-PCSP-BBB: βš™οΈ Under Development. This adds support for a ball by ball feed from Play Cricket Scorer Pro. Requires crickly-playcricket