CreditLoop is a revolutionary blockchain-based system that transforms debt settlement through automated chain resolution. The system enables trustless payment routing through complex debt networks, significantly improving settlement efficiency, regulatory compliance, and economic transparency.
For detailed system flows and architectural diagrams, visit our Miro board.
graph LR
SC[Smart Contract<br>Chain Resolution]
TO[Tax Oracle<br>5%]
X -->|$100| Y
Y -->|$100| Z
X -.->|Transit Payment $95| Z
SC --- TO
X --> SC
Z --> SC
style X fill:#FFD700,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Y fill:#FFD700,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Z fill:#FFD700,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style SC fill:#6495ED,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style TO fill:#FFA07A,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
When entity X owes Y and Y owes Z, CreditLoop allows Z to directly claim payment from X, automatically updating all intermediate contracts without requiring intermediary action. The system leverages the ERC-2535 Diamond pattern and implements sophisticated algorithms for chain detection and resolution.
- Automated Chain Resolution: Intelligent detection and resolution of debt chains
- Smart Contract Architecture: Built on ERC-2535 Diamond pattern for modularity
- Regulatory Compliance: Integrated KYC/AML and tax reporting
- Economic Efficiency: Reduces trapped capital and improves money velocity
- Transparent Operations: Full visibility into debt relationships and settlements
participant Users as Users (A/B/C)
participant Diamond as Diamond Contract
participant CoreF as Core Facets
participant VerifF as Verification Facets
participant OracleF as Oracle Facets
participant ExtServ as External Services
Note over Users,ExtServ: Phase 1: Identity Verification
Users->>Diamond: Connect wallet
Diamond->>VerifF: Request identity verification
VerifF->>ExtServ: Verify identity (KYC)
ExtServ-->>VerifF: Identity verified
VerifF-->>Diamond: Cache verification status
Diamond-->>Users: Access granted
Note over Users,ExtServ: Phase 2: Debt Creation & Document Verification
Users->>Diamond: Submit debt documents
Diamond->>VerifF: Request document verification
VerifF->>ExtServ: Extract terms (AI Analysis)
ExtServ-->>VerifF: Terms extracted
VerifF->>ExtServ: Generate ZK proof
ExtServ-->>VerifF: ZK proof generated
VerifF-->>Diamond: Document verified
Diamond->>CoreF: Create debt with verified terms
Note over Users,ExtServ: Phase 3: Chain Detection & Optimization
CoreF->>CoreF: Auto-detect potential chain
Diamond->>OracleF: Request chain optimization
OracleF->>ExtServ: Optimize chain path
ExtServ-->>OracleF: Return optimal path
OracleF-->>Diamond: Update chain configuration
Note over Users,ExtServ: Phase 4: Chain Resolution & Consent
Users->>Diamond: Request chain resolution
Diamond->>CoreF: Validate chain participants
CoreF->>VerifF: Check identity statuses
VerifF-->>CoreF: Identities confirmed
Users->>Diamond: Provide consent
Diamond->>CoreF: Record consent
Note over Users,ExtServ: Phase 5: Payment Processing & Tax
Users->>Diamond: Initiate payment
Diamond->>OracleF: Calculate tax obligations
OracleF->>ExtServ: Get tax rates
ExtServ-->>OracleF: Return tax calculations
Diamond->>CoreF: Process payment
CoreF->>ExtServ: Route tax payment
CoreF->>Users: Route remaining funds
Note over Users,ExtServ: Phase 6: Status Updates
Diamond->>CoreF: Update debt statuses
CoreF->>VerifF: Update document states
Diamond->>OracleF: Update tax records
Diamond-->>Users: Notify completion
Note over Users,ExtServ: All interactions through Diamond Proxy
Identity Verification
- Users connect their wallets to initiate interaction
- System verifies identity through KYC process
- Verification status is cached for future interactions
Debt Creation & Document Verification
- Smart AI analysis of debt documents
- ZK proofs generation for privacy
- Automated term extraction and verification
Chain Detection & Optimization
- Automatic detection of potential debt chains
- Path optimization for efficient settlement
- Real-time chain configuration updates
Chain Resolution & Consent
- Validation of all participants in the chain
- Identity status verification for each party
- Secure consent collection and recording
- Multi-signature approval process
Payment Processing & Tax
- Real-time tax obligation calculation
- Automated tax withholding and routing
- Smart payment splitting and distribution
- Compliance with jurisdictional requirements
Status Updates
- Atomic debt status updates across chain
- Document state synchronization
- Tax record maintenance
- Real-time notification to all participants
- Audit trail generation for compliance
[Continue with other phases...]
graph TB
%% External Actors
subgraph Diamond["Diamond Contract (Proxy)"]
direction TB
subgraph CoreFacets["Core Facets"]
direction LR
subgraph VerificationFacets["Verification Facets"]
direction LR
subgraph OracleFacets["Oracle Facets"]
direction LR
subgraph Storage["Diamond Storage"]
direction LR
subgraph ExternalSystems["External Systems"]
direction LR
TS[Tax Service]
OS[Optimization Service]
IS[Identity Service]
DS_EXT[Document Verification Service]
AI[AI Document Analysis]
ZK[ZK Proof Service]
%% User flows through Diamond
User --> Diamond
Diamond --> DF
Diamond --> CF
Diamond --> PF
%% Admin flows through Diamond
Admin --> Diamond
Diamond --> AF
Diamond --> TF
%% Core Facet Storage Interactions
DF <-->|"Store/Read Debt Data"| DS
CF <-->|"Store/Read Chain Data"| CS
PF <-->|"Store/Read Payment Data"| DS
PF <-->|"Read Tax Data"| TSt
AF <-->|"Store/Read Access Rights"| AS
TF <-->|"Store/Read Tax Data"| TSt
%% Verification Flows
IV <-->|"Verify Identity"| IS
DV <-->|"Verify Documents"| DS_EXT
DV <-->|"AI Analysis"| AI
DV <-->|"ZK Proofs"| ZK
%% Oracle-External System Interactions
TO <-->|"Get Tax Rates/Submit Reports"| TS
CO <-->|"Get Optimal Routes"| OS
%% Cross-Facet Dependencies
DF -->|"Check Identity"| IV
DF -->|"Verify Debt Docs"| DV
CF -->|"Verify Access"| AF
PF -->|"Verify Access"| AF
PF -->|"Calculate Tax"| TF
%% Storage Interactions for Verification
IV <-->|"Cache Identity Status"| VS
DV <-->|"Cache Doc Verification"| VS
classDef coreStyle fill:#6495ED,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef verificationStyle fill:#FF69B4,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef oracleStyle fill:#DDA0DD,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef externalStyle fill:#98FB98,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef storageStyle fill:#FFA07A,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef proxyStyle fill:#E6E6FA,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
classDef actorStyle fill:#FFD700,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class DF,CF,PF,AF,TF coreStyle
class IV,DV verificationStyle
class TO,CO oracleStyle
class TS,OS,IS,DS_EXT,AI,ZK externalStyle
class DS,CS,AS,TSt,VS storageStyle
class Diamond proxyStyle
class User,Admin actorStyle
Diamond Contract (Proxy)
- Central entry point for all interactions
- Implements ERC-2535 Diamond pattern
- Manages facet routing and upgrades
Core Facets
- DebtFacet: Core debt management logic
- ChainFacet: Chain detection and resolution
- PaymentFacet: Payment processing
- AccessControlFacet: Permission management
- TaxFacet: Tax calculation and reporting
[Continue with other components...]
├── core/
│ ├── DebtFacet.sol
│ ├── ChainFacet.sol
│ ├── PaymentFacet.sol
│ ├── AccessControlFacet.sol
│ └── TaxFacet.sol
├── verification/
│ ├── IdentityVerifierFacet.sol
│ └── DocumentVerifierFacet.sol
├── oracle/
│ ├── TaxOracleFacet.sol
│ └── ChainOptimizerFacet.sol
├── storage/
│ ├── DebtStorage.sol
│ ├── ChainStorage.sol
│ ├── AccessStorage.sol
│ ├── TaxStorage.sol
│ └── VerificationStorage.sol
├── interfaces/
│ ├── IDebtFacet.sol
│ ├── IChainFacet.sol
│ └── [Other interfaces...]
├── libraries/
│ ├── DataTypes.sol
│ ├── Events.sol
│ └── Errors.sol
└── Diamond.sol
Core Contracts
- Implement primary business logic
- Handle debt management and chain resolution
- Manage payment processing and access control
Verification Contracts
- Handle KYC and document verification
- Integrate with external verification services
- Manage identity and document states
Oracle Contracts
- Interface with external data sources
- Handle tax calculations and chain optimization
- Provide real-time data updates
[Continue with previous content...]
CreditLoop addresses several key economic challenges:
Capital Efficiency
- Reduces trapped capital in intermediary chains
- Improves money velocity
- Minimizes liquidity buffers
Inflation Mitigation
- Reduces need for excessive money creation
- Lowers transaction costs
- Enables efficient capital utilization
Market Transparency
- Real-time monitoring of payment flows
- Better data for policy decisions
- Enhanced systemic risk detection
For detailed technical analysis and theoretical foundations, see our research paper.
- Node.js v14+
- Hardhat
- Ethereum development environment
git clone
cd creditloop
npm install
npm run test
npm run deploy:testnet
Please read for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Project Lead: Abbas Tolgay Yılmaz
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
- Research collaborators and contributors
- Early adopters and testing partners
- Academic advisors and industry experts
If you use CreditLoop in your research, please cite:
title={CreditLoop: A Novel Paradigm for Debt Contract Networks and Payment Flows},
author={Yılmaz, Abbas Tolgay},
journal={arXiv preprint},