A Config API for Forge, NeoForge, Fabric and Quilt.
- Open your build.gradle
- Now you need to add a plugin to your gradle project
plugins { ... id 'io.github.0ffz.github-packages' version '1.2.+' }
- The next step is, to add inside the repositories the following maven repository
repositories { ... maven githubPackage.invoke("Craftjakob/Config-API") }
- Now you can add one of these dependencies to your project. Make sure, that you add the dependency, that you need. So if you use forge, then use the forge dependency.
- if you can not use modImplementation, then use compileOnly and runtimeOnly.
dependencies { ... modImplementation "com.craftjakob:configapi-common:${mc_version}-${configapi_version}" modImplementation "com.craftjakob:configapi-fabric:${mc_version}-${configapi_version}" modImplementation "com.craftjakob:configapi-forge:${mc_version}-${configapi_version}" modImplementation "com.craftjakob:configapi-neoforge:${mc_version}-${configapi_version}" modImplementation "com.craftjakob:configapi-quilt:${mc_version}-${configapi_version}" }
- Finally, you can reload your gradlew project
- Create a new class, which contains your configs
- The Config Class need to implement 'IConfigurator' and then implement the 'configure' methode
public class ExampleConfig implements IConfigurator { @Override public void configure(ConfigBuilder builder) { } }
- Create a public static field with the ConfigValue, that you want
public static ConfigValueTypes.BooleanValue ExampleBooleanConfig;
- Inside the 'configure' methode, you need to create the config
@Override public void configure(ConfigBuilder builder) { ExampleBooleanConfig = builder.define("ExampleBooleanConfig", true); }
- Register your Config Class with ConfigRegister in your Main class. You can choose the config type between CLIENT, COMMON and SERVER.
public class ExampleMod { ... public static void init() { ConfigRegister.get().registerConfig(ConfigRegister.ConfigType.COMMON, ExampleConfig::new, MOD_ID); ... } ... }
- You can also give your config file a specific name:
ConfigRegister.get().registerConfig(ConfigRegister.ConfigType.COMMON, ExampleConfig::new, MOD_ID, "CUSTOM_NAME");
Client is loaded, when the client setup, of the specific mod loader is loaded. On server the file gots not created.
The Common one, is the safest to use, it loads directly and does not require something, that need to be started. It loads directly in registrering.
The Server type is only loaded, if the server is started. The config file is only created, if you want to open the config file in the Config Screen, but it is not tracked.
Inside the ConfigBuilder are different methods to use
- One methode is the 'comment' methode, it creates a comment for the specific config or category
public class ExampleConfig implements IConfigurator { public static ConfigValueTypes.BooleanValue ExampleBooleanConfig; @Override public void configure(ConfigBuilder builder) { ExampleBooleanConfig = builder .comment("This is an example comment") .define("ExampleBooleanConfig", true); } }
- In your Config Class you can use 'translation' to translate the comment into a different language, this is displayed in the Config Screen.
public class ExampleConfig implements IConfigurator { public static ConfigValueTypes.BooleanValue ExampleBooleanConfig; @Override public void configure(ConfigBuilder builder) { ExampleBooleanConfig = builder .comment("This is an example comment") .translation("modid.exampleTranslationName.somethingelse") .define("ExampleBooleanConfig", true); } }
- You can also use 'requiresWorldRestart', it is only a comment which says, that this config needs a restart.
@Override public void configure(ConfigBuilder builder) { ExampleBooleanConfig = builder .comment("This is an example comment") .translation("modid.exampleTranslationName.somethingelse") .requiresWorldRestart() .define("ExampleBooleanConfig", true); }
- There is also a 'requiresClientRestart' method, that you can use.
If you want, that your config file is more ordered, then use push(...) and pop()
- 'push(...)' requires a String, it is the category name
- 'pop()' pushes the category to the right
- 'pop(count)' allows you to move the category to the right as many times as you want
- Example:
@Override public void configure(ConfigBuilder builder) { builder.push("First Category"); ExampleBooleanConfig = builder.define("ExampleBooleanConfig", true); builder.pop() ExampleIntegerConfig = builder.define("ExampleIntegerConfig", 5, 0, 10); }
[First Category] ExampleBooleanConfig = true #Range: 0 ~ 10 ExampleIntegerConfig = 5
- You also can give your category a comment or a translation key:
@Override public void configure(ConfigBuilder builder) { builder.comment("A Comment for a Category!").translation("config.examplemod.category).push("First Category"); ExampleBooleanConfig = builder.define("ExampleBooleanConfig", true); builder.pop() }
You have different values, that you can get from your config. To get these values, use 'MyConfigClass.MyConfig'
- getValue() -> gets the current config value
- getDefaultValue() -> gets the default value
- getRange() gets the range (Only for values like Integers, Floats, etc.)
- if you call the getRange() methode, you can call the following methods:
- getMinValue() -> gets the minimum value, that is allowed for you config
- getMaxValue() -> gets the maximum value, that is allowed for you config
- toString() -> gives a String in this format: "minValue ~ maxValue"
- if you call the getRange() methode, you can call the following methods:
- getComments() -> gets all comments in a List of Strings
- getComment() -> all comments are separated by a new line
- getPath() -> gets the path, in which the config is + config key
- getKey() -> gets the Key (Config Name)
ExampleBooleanConfig = builder.define("ExampleBooleanConfig", true);
- It is the String, that you need to define
- getTranslationKey() -> gets the translation key
- getRequiresWorldRestart() -> gets the value (true or false) for requiresWorldRestart
- getRequiresClientRestart() -> it's the same as getRequiresWorldRestart(), but only for client
- getParser() -> returns the parser
- getBuilder() -> gets the ConfigBuilder
- getConfig() -> gets the Config class, so you can load or save your config
These all values can be configured via this Config API
- Booleans
- Characters
- Strings
- Enums
- Lists
- Bytes
- Shorts
- Integers
- Longs
- Floats
- Doubles
You can also create custom ones, by using ConfigValue or for Numbers NumberValue
public class ExampleConfig implements IConfigurator { public static ConfigValueTypes.ConfigValue<MyCustomValue> MyCustomValueConfig; public static ConfigValueTypes.ConfigValue<MyCustomNumberValue> MyCustomNumberValueConfig; @Override public void configure(ConfigBuilder builder) { MyCustomValueConfig = builder.define("MyCustomValueConfig", DEFAULT_VALUE, MY_PARSER); MyCustomNumberValueConfig = builder.defineInRange("MyCustomNumberValueConfig", DEFAULT_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE, MY_PARSER); } }
The Config Screen is automatically added to your project.
- In Forge and NeoForge, it's in the mods screen, there you can click on 'Config' to open the screen
- Fabric and Quilt has currently no Config Screen, but it will have one maybe via the 'Mod Menu' Mod
If you want to customize your config background, then you need to edit your 'META-INF/mods.toml' in Forge or NeoForge
[modproperties.${mod_id}] configBackground="minecraft:textures/block/deepslate.png" configListBackground="minecraft:textures/block/stone.png"
- All configs are shown in a list, that is the configListBackground and the configBackground is there, where the done, search and navigation's buttons are.