This repository contains the code for a master thesis at UCLouvain. The aim of the project was to train a DQN agent to play FlappyBird and to explore how various environmental modifications impact the training process. Among these modifications, we include:
- Training on fixed or random pipes
- Training with some randomness in the Jump Force
- Training with increased action space
The code is based on the following sources:
- for the FlappyBird game:
- for the DQN agent:
The code is structured as follows in the source directory:
- flappy_bird_gym: contains the FlappyBird game and the environment modifications
- run_baseline_example: Example of the output of a training
- agent_simple, agent_multi, agent_RGB: DQN agents with some modifications (simple is the classic agent, RGB is the agent for RGB images, multi is the agent with increased action space)
- evaluation: code to evaluate the results of the training and create the plots
- exp_X: code to run the experiments
- exp_X_test: code to test the experiments
- utils: some utility functions