MIT 2.0.0-beta.1 - Git repository
We are a young collectve of front-end creative developers with one goal in mind. Build tools to make every team working day life better
Coffeekraken is an organisation that claim to produce high quality tools and resources for web developers. This organisation is composed of a lot of different projects that you can discover on our website, or bellow of this readme. Projects covers a large range of topics like:
- CSS toolkit through Sugarcss
- Fully customizable webcomponents like datepicker, colorpicker, and more...
- Javascript (typescript) toolkit through Sugar
- And more to come...
To start discovering our tools, development stack and so one, the easiest way is to go on our website.
If you would like to promote our community efforts, don't hesitate to share our website, repository, etc... using some tags like "#coffeekraken #webdev #frontend". We thank you already for that!
This project is fully open source and will stay like that until the end of times. This also means that we need your support/contribution. Don't hesitate to join us on our communication channels:
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Here's all the ways you can contact us listed: