This module is for defining all reusable models for Codr.
In order to use the @jsr
scope in npm, the .npmrc
file needs to be updated
with the following:
Installing via npm
npx jsr add @codr/models@^1
# or
npm install @jsr/codr___models@^1
Installing via yarn
yarn dlx jsr add @codr/models@^1
# or
yarn add @jsr/codr___models@^1
Installing via deno
deno add @codr/models@^1
/* or import directly */
import { User } from "jsr:@codr/models@^1";
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Cache deno dependencies
deno cache ./mod.ts
# Format, lint, and test the code
deno fmt
deno lint
deno test