Bookmarks tagged [maven-plugin]
A Maven plugin that provides the ability to run JMeter tests as part of your build
All the documentation you need to configure the plugin is available on the [Github Wiki](
- tags: jmeter, maven-plugin, java
Automatically push your project to Docker using Spotify, fabric8, and JIB Maven plugins
- 📆 published on: 2019-10-07
- tags: maven, maven-plugin, docker, jib
Sometimes we need to classify the tests in a project and a possible solution to achieve this goal is to assign different categories to the tests.
Often we’re doing this to separate the execution of f...
- 📆 published on: 2012-12-06
- tags: maven, maven-plugin, testing, java
source code
Containers are bringing Java developers closer than ever to a "write once, run anywhere" workflow, but containerizing a Java application is no simple task: You have to write a Dockerfile, run a Docker...
- 📆 published on: 2018-07-09
- tags: jib, java, maven, maven-plugin, gradle, docker, dockerfile
source code
Google Open Source Container Tools: Life of a happy developer in a container world by David Gageot - YouTube
Great demo explaining the utilities of the various tools listed as tags here.
- 📆 published on: 2018-11-14
- tags: kubernetes, skaffold, maven-plugin, jib, bazel, dockerfile, docker, kaniko
⛵ Build container images for your Java applications. - GoogleContainerTools/jib
- Maven - See the jib-maven-plugin [Quickstart](
- tags: docker, maven-plugin, java, gradle
source code
A Day in Java Developer’s Life, with a taste of Kubernetes - aws-samples/kubernetes-for-java-developers. sample. example.
- tags: java, docker, kubernetes, kubernetes-helm, maven-plugin, istio, aws
source code
The Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Maven, allowing you to package executable jar or war archives and run an application “in-place”.
- tags: spring-boot, maven-plugin
A set of Maven tools for dealing with Dockerfiles.
- tags: docker, maven-plugin
source code
The Archetype Plugin allows the user to create a Maven project from an existing template called an archetype.
It also allows the user to create an archetype from an existing project.
- tags: maven, maven-plugin
The Assembly Plugin for Maven is primarily intended to allow users to aggregate the project output along with its dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files into a single distributable...
- tags: maven, maven-plugin
"Maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-node-plugin to end all maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-plugins." A Maven plugin that downloads/installs Node and NPM locally, runs NPM install, Grunt, Gulp and/or Karma.
- tags: maven, gulp, node.js, npm, maven-plugin