Bookmarks tagged [dependency-injection]
Constructor Injection is the act of statically defining the list of required Dependencies by specifying them as parameters to the class’s constructor.
- tags: dependency-injection, oop
La sécurité applicative est un enjeu qui doit être pris en compte dès la conception du projet, chaperonné tout au long du cycle de développement.
- 📆 published on: 2021-06-22
- tags: dependency-injection, security-tools
In Angular, the DI framework provides declared dependencies to a class when that class is instantiated. This guide explains how DI works in Angular, and how you use it to make your apps flexible, effi...
- tags: angular, dependency-injection
Additive dependency injection container for Golang.
- tags: go, dependency-injection
source code
A reflection based dependency injection toolkit for Go.
- tags: go, dependency-injection
source code
A dependency injection based application framework for Go (built on top of dig).
- tags: go, dependency-injection
source code
A reflection based dependency injection container with simple interface.
- tags: go, dependency-injection
source code
Strict Runtime Dependency Injection for Golang.
- tags: go, dependency-injection
source code
CDI extension framework.
- tags: java, dependency-injection
Compile-time injection framework without reflection.
- tags: java, dependency-injection
Ultra-lightweight, JSR-330-compliant dependency injection library.
- tags: java, dependency-injection
source code
Extensions and utilities that enhance Google Guice.
- tags: java, dependency-injection
source code
Lightweight and opinionated framework that completes Dagger.
- tags: java, dependency-injection
source code
Lightweight and dynamic dependency injection framework.
- tags: java, dependency-injection
Lightweight dependency injection framework.
- tags: java, dependency-injection
source code
CDI: Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform
- tags: weld, dependency-injection, javaee, docs
I’m quite frequently getting pulled into discussions on Twitter about the different flavors of Dependency Injection. Also, I’ve repeatedly expressed my distaste for field injection but as Twitter is n...
- 📆 published on: 2013-11-22
- tags: dependency-injection, javaee, spring
There are three parts:
- Injection with CDI (Part I) - Focused on default injection and qualifiers
- [Injection with CDI (Part II...
- 📆 published on: 2011-09-25
- tags: dependency-injection, cdi, javaee
source code
A couple of weeks ago a coworker told me that they have a little utility in their projects in order to set private fields for tests. He kind of claimed they needed that since they are using Spring, wh...
- 📆 published on: 2012-01-01
- tags: design-patterns, dependency-injection
Constructor Injection vs. Setter Injection](
There seems to be two camps in dependency-injection: (1) The constructor-injection camp and (2) the setter-injection camp. Historically the setter-injection camp come from spring, whereas constructor-...
- 📆 published on: 2009-02-19
- tags: dependency-injection