NKD just works. Start developing your prototype in jekyll without any of the boring setup.
- Modular file structure, easy to extend or get rid of existing code.
- Mobile friendly responsive type scale
- A light-weight SCSS base that starts with Normalize.css - 1.2KB minified / 214B gzipped.
- Thoroughly commented code (Easy to get going if it's your first jekyll project)
- Two media queries for tablet and desktop size screens. Lends itself to mobile-first design.
- Create a new repo for your project on Github
- In terminal run
git clone [email protected]:mrmrs/nkd.git [yourNewRepoName]
cd [yourNewRepoName]
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:[yourUserName]/[yourNewRepoName].git
git remote -v
- git remote -v will allow you to check that you have changed the remote origin correctly. The output should look like:
origin [email protected]:[yourUserName]/[yourNewRepoName].git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:[yourUserName]/[yourNewRepoName].git (push)
- Once you add & commit files you are ready to publish run:
git push -u origin master
File structure is as follows:
nkd [ Site root ]
├── [ You are here ]
├── Rakefile [ Rake tasks! ]
├── _config.yml [ Site options ]
├── _includes
│ ├── _footer.html
│ ├── _head.html
│ ├── _js_includes.html
│ └── _navigation_main.html
├── _layouts
│ ├── default.html
│ └── post.html
├── _posts
│ └── 2020-01-01-example.html
├── _resources
│ └──
├── _sass
│ ├── _grid.scss
│ ├── _normalize.scss []
│ ├── _queries.scss [Configurable media queries]
│ ├── _styles.scss
│ ├── _type.scss
│ ├── _variables.scss
│ └── i.scss [Imports .scss files, compiles to css/i.css]
├── css
│ └── i.css [1.8KB minified / 214B gzipped - includes normalize.css]
├── favicon.icns
├── favicon.ico
├── index.html [index file that's served up at root. The "homepage" if you will.]
├── touch-icon-ipad-precomposed.png
├── touch-icon-ipad-retina-precomposed.png
├── touch-icon-iphone-precomposed.png
└── touch-icon-iphone-retina-precomposed.png
Rake is super simple. Don't be afraid. In this instance it's used to map unix commands to "rake tasks". It's a lot easier to remember 'rake dev' then jekyll serve --watch, well it is for me anyways. If you don't like any of these commands, don't be scared. Rakefile is a super easy file to edit - even if it looks scary because it doesn't have an extension.
Start the jekyll server on port 4000. Preview in your browser at http://localhost:4000
jekyll serve --watch
Run this to start sass development and preserve css comments. Helpful for debugging. Outputs to css/includes.css.
sass --watch _sass:css
Run this to start the sass autocompiler with minified output. Outputs to /nkd/css/i.css.
sass --watch _sass:css --style compressed
Run this to delete the _site directory. Use if you don't want to keep generated site locally unless actively developing.
rm -rf _site
There is an included Adobe Illustrator file that has artboards for every favicon size you'll need. If you're into that sort of thing. There are premade favicons you will want to replace or remove reference to.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.