What's Changed
New features
- Add pekko-stream support by @gmethvin in #540
- Add batchReceivePolicy configuration in consumer config by @mgrenonville in #535
- Exposes subscription mode for consumer by @jeantil in #568
Thanks to them (and to scala-steward) for their help!
Deps bumps
- log4j-api, log4j-slf4j-impl to 2.22.1
- Scala 2.12.18, 2.13.12, 3.3.1
- Pulsar 3.2.0
- json4s-core, json4s-jackson 4.0.7
- jackson 2.14.3
- scalatest 3.2.17
- sbt 1.9.8
- slf4j-api 2.0.11
- circe 0.14.6
- avro4s-core
- 4.1.1 for scala 2.13
- 5.0.9 for scala 3.
- play-json 2.10.4
- cats-effect 3.5.3
- fs2-core, fs2-reactive-streams 3.9.4
- zio 2.0.21
- zio-interop-cats 23.0.03
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.9.1