Baseline model for gap filling as part of the GFM downstream task evaluations
Directories should be structured as follows:
├── gfm-gap-filling-baseline/
│ ├── gap-filling-baseline/
│ │ ├── datasets/
│ │ ├── models/
│ │ ├── options/
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── .git
│ ├──
├── data/
│ ├── results
│ ├── training_data
Navigate to CGAN and run
docker run --gpus all -it -v $PWD:/workspace/ -p 8888:8888 ganfill
This will start a Jupyer Lab session which can be accessed via a web browser.
In order to run the fine-tuning script, run on the command line as a python module. For example:
python -m --epochs 200 --batch_size 16 --model_cap 64 --dataset gapfill --mask_position 2 --alpha 5 --discriminator_lr 0.0001 --generator_lr 0.0005 --cloud_range 0.01 1.0 --training_length 1600 --local_rank 0
--epochs is the number of epochs the model will train for.
--batch_size can be modified according to memory constraints.
--model_cap defines the depth of the generative model in terms of the initial number of feature classes for the first U-Net layer. This can be modified according to memory constraints and complexity of the model.
--dataset directs the script to the desired dataset configuration python script in the dataset folder.
--mask_position is a list of integers, with each input integer defining a position where a cloud scene should be used to mask the multi-temporal input image. For a three-scene image, an input of 12 23 123 would cause the training to rotate through masking in 1 and 2, 2 and 3, and 1, 2, and 3.
--alpha defines the relative weight given to mean squared error and hinge loss in updating the generator - the formula is as follows: loss = hinge + alpha * mse
--discriminator_lr is a float defining the learning rate of the discriminator.
--generator_lr is a float defining the learning rate of the generator.
--cloud_range is the lower and upper limits of the ratio of clouds for masks that will be input randomly during training. During validation, the same set of cloud masks are used regardless of inputs for testing consistency across experiments.
--local_rank determines which GPU the module will run on. This allows for parallel experiments on machines with multiple GPUs available.
--training_len defines the number of time series image chips the model will train on. These will be randomly subsampled from the training set.
Use create_graphs.ipynb to create graphs of model performance during fine-tuning. Replace the variable job_id
with the experiment whose performance you want to visualize, e.g. subset_6231_2023-08-20-17:01:03_uneven_bs16
These can be run for any weights checkpoint. is run similarly to The script will access a checkpoint and save images to a new images directory in the same directory as the checkpoint. For example:
python -m visualize --model_cap 64 --batch_size 16 --dataset gapfill --dataroot /workspace/data/gapfill6band --mask_position 2 --cloud_range 0.01 1.0 --local_rank 0 --checkpoint_dir subset_6231_2023-08-20-17:01:03_uneven_bs16
To create .csv files containing per-image and per-band statistics for the entire validation dataset, run as follows:
python -m create_stats --model_cap 64 --batch_size 16 --dataset gapfill --dataroot /workspace/data/gapfill6band --mask_position 2 --cloud_range 0.01 1.0 --local_rank 0 --checkpoint_dir subset_6231_2023-08-20-17:01:03_uneven_bs16
Use per_image_graphs.ipynb to create visualizations of the distributions and correlations of per-image performance metrics. Replace the variable job_id
with the experiment whose performance you want to visualize, e.g. subset_6231_2023-08-20-17:01:03_uneven_bs16
Use band_correlations.ipynb to create visualizations of band correlations for the low-coverage example image and the first 200 images of testing. Replace the variable job_id
with the experiment whose performance you want to visualize, e.g. subset_6231_2023-08-20-17:01:03_uneven_bs16