Welcome to the super-awesome good-time playground for the Chicago PHP User Group!
This package is a great way to pratice contributing to open source. If you see soemthing misspelled in the README, or maybe a test isn't passing, or you want to add a new feature, feel free to submit your own PR!
The Silly Site Morpher is a library that takes a URL and returns the contents after it has undergone some sort of mutation.
The mutations are performed by "morpher providers" found under the Morphers
Add the following to your composer.json
"require": {
"chi-php-ug/good-time-playground": "~0.0"
use ChiPhp\Playground\SillySiteMorpher;
use ChiPhp\Playground\Morphers\BathroomMorpher;
$ssm = new SillySiteMorpher('http://example.com');
$morpher = new BathroomMorpher();
$content = $ssm->morph($morpher);
echo $content; // Now with some bathroom flare!
There are a number of morphers you can use to make a silly site.
Replaces random words with bathroom-related words.
use ChiPhp\Playground\Morphers\Bathroom;
$morpher = new BathroomMorpher();
We've love to add more silly morphers to the package. Code your morpher to the MorpherInterface
and add documentation for it!
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.