This is an example how to set up Design Hub and its dependencies in Kubernetes. It contains the minimum required to run and in a real setup it probably needs further refinement.
There are two parts of the example. Base part is stateless in the sense of not containing configurations, credentials and ChemAxon licenses. The other part contains an example configuration prepared for MiniKube where you only need to add your ChemAxon license and '' credentials to make it work. In a production environment the base part probably need more fine-tuning, and the configuration part should be obviously tailored to your requirements.
- put your ChemAxon license file under
- put your ChemAxon license file under
- install kubectl command line tool to manage Kubernetes cluster.
- install MiniKube to be able to locally try out Kubernetes.
minikube start
As MiniKube runs in a container you need to mount it first there to be able to use it within the Design Hub deployment.
minikube mount "/<path-to-this-repo-folder>/minikube-example/:/data/"
Please note that when using Docker on Windows without WSL you have to modify
- remove part with"credsStore": "desktop"
Login to ChemAxon Hub Docker repository. Follow steps described here: Once successfully logged in, then create a Kubernetes secret from it:
kubectl create secret generic docker-hub-chemaxon --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/.docker/config.json>
cd minikube-example/ kubectl apply -f config-volume.yaml -f license-volume.yaml -f services-volume.yaml
Design Hub requires at start-up to access Postgre, so we should start with that.
cd .. cd base/ kubectl apply -f postgre.yaml
kubectl apply -f config-volume-claim.yaml -f license-volume-claim.yaml -f services-volume-claim.yaml -f jms.yaml -f marvinjs.yaml -f design-hub.yaml
minikube service design-hub-service
To add a plugin, do the following steps:
- copy plugin files into the 'services' folder
- Install the plugin
npm init
npm install
- Restart Design hub
kubectl rollout restart deployment design-hub-deployment