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Lior Vaknin edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 3 revisions

Iteration 0 - Zero Feature Release


Iteration Goals

This iteration, as the name suggests, is a zero feature release, and its goals are:

  • Plan the main tasks that would be distributed among the team members
  • Assign each team member his or her own area in the product
  • Categorize the tasks to different priorities and assign them to their iteration
  • Start writing the user manual
  • Add important developers information to the README
  • Update on the prototype status

Team Roles

The areas in the product are distributed as follows:

  • Eliyah Weinberg will be responsible for the calendar page and the synchronization process for personal mail
  • Odelia Ivginehaz will be responsible for the information page and all its inner tabs
  • Chanan Merari will be responsible for the home page and the admin panel and their client side connectivity to firebase
  • Daniel Lifshitz will be responsible for the gallery page and its integration with Facebook API
  • Lior Vaknin will be responsible for all server side code and general ionic infrastructure

Task Management

Issues and boards

The current tasks, and their matching iterations and priority can be found in the issues page

The main project Kanban board can be found here

Total Estimation

Each iteration estimation is set in each milestone


The prototype at this point includes the general application structure including the dedicated ionic framework to build the application as a multi-platform program. The prototype shows the basic idea for the home page and allows navigation between other pages. The prototype can be seen in our live deployment

The Admin panel is currently also included as a basic concept in the prototype and can be found in an inner URL


Meeting Summaries

Each meeting summary and reviews can be found in the respective iteration documentation page on the wiki starting from the first iteration.


Retrospective information will be relevant from the first iteration forward.

Next Iteration Planning

The first iteration planning can be found here