Tags: CecileBr/wpuseo
Toggle 2.3.0's commit message
v 2.3.0
* Fix if cookies are enabled but not needed.
* Add hook for cookies text content.
* Support for multiline & HTML in cookie message.
Toggle 2.2.0's commit message
v 2.2.0
* Add WPML Compatibility.
* Removed old helper « get_languages ».
Toggle 2.1.6's commit message
v 2.1.6
* Add an option for default thumbnail
Toggle 2.1.5's commit message
v 2.1.5
* Remove an ugly debug log
Toggle 2.1.4's commit message
v 2.1.4
* Prevent a weird encoding bug with c/c content
Toggle 2.1.3's commit message
v 2.1.3
* Fix WP Rocket compatibility.
Toggle 2.1.2's commit message
v 2.1.2
* Fixes home page with translation.
Toggle 2.1.1's commit message
v 2.1.1
* Better WP Rocket compatibility
Toggle 2.1.0's commit message
v 2.1.0
* Disable FB Pixel in noscript ( not compatible with RGPD )
* Restart analytics & pixel if available after cookie check.
Toggle 2.0.0's commit message
v 2.0.0
* Add a cookie notice.
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