A World-Class Flag Travia Platform for building your flag identification skills!
Flagify puts your learning first. As you build a visualization of the different flags, you'll get better and better at the quizzes or other tasks.
Flags pages shows you all the available flags on Flagify. In the future I plan on organizing this page through different filters such as continent or alphabetically.
This page is used to actually test your flag knowledge. Test your knowledge based on continent with different types of tests.
In order to make Flagify more enjoyable I wanted to add scoring system in play that would track your progress as you learn more flags. Similar to other game sites such as Chess.com. For example, whenever you get a question right you would earth a point. These points would add up over time and allow you to unlock harder challenges.
Right now, there are only local stored stats meaning if you clear you cache, your stats will be gone. In the future, I plan on adding Oauth2 for a more familar experience.
This project is used to test my front-end skills.
powered by solid-start
credit to https://flagicons.lipis.dev/ for flags.