PocoToTypescriptGenerator.exe [c# file(s) / folder(s)] ... [options]:
Generates typescript definition files from files or folder containing c# files.
[c# file(s) / folder(s)] (Required) c# source files or folder containing c# files
Specifies c# file(s) and/or c# folder(s) to convert to typescript definition files.
Seperate files/folders by spaces.
o, output (Required) - Output file or folder. If folder, then
uses input file name for output file name within
output folder.
n, namespace Alternate namespace to use in typescript
definitions. Defaults c# file's namespace.
e, Excluded List of types that should be exclude (comma
seperated). For example MyClass,MyEnum.
f, ExcludedAttributes List of Attributes that should be exclude (comma
seperated). For example JsonIgnore,NotMapped.
k, Known List of known types which are not found in c# files
(comma seperated). For example T as in MyClass<T>.
c, commands Read command line args in from specified file or
json file.
p, SkipPreprocess (Default: False) Skips pre-processing files for
v, verbose (Default: False) Prints all messages.
s, Silent (Default: False) Turns off all console messages.
help Display this help screen.
Produced by Carlos Gomes ([email protected])
PocoToTypescriptGenerator Sample.cs -o Sample.d.ts
PocoToTypescriptGenerator Sample.cs SampleFolder --output=Combined.d.ts --verbose --excluded=MyClass,MyEnum --excludedAttributes=JsonIgnore,NotMapped
PocoToTypescriptGenerator Sample.cs SampleFolder --output=Combined.d.ts --Known=T
PocoToTypescriptGenerator --commands=command_line_args_file.txt
PocoToTypescriptGenerator --commands=options.json
See wiki for more details - https://github.com/CarlosOnline/PocoToTypescript/wiki