The FLEX tools powershell module contains various tools that can be used on HERNIS FLEX servers.
- Support for starting the HERNIS FLEX Watchdog (Start-FlexWatchdog)
- Support for stopping the HERNIS FLEX Watchdog (Stop-FlexWatchdog)
- Support for getting the HERNIS FLEX Watchdog module list (Get-FlexModuleList)
- Support for getting single HERNIS FLEX Watchdog modules (Get-FlexModuleByName)
- Support for getting the HERNIS FLEX Watchdog (Get-FlexWatchdog)
- Support for checking if the HERNIS FLEX Watchdog is running (Get-FlexWatchdogRunning)
- Support for starting HERNIS FLEX Watchdog Modules (Start-FlexModule)
- Support for stopping HERNIS FLEX Watchdog Modules (Stop-FlexModule)
- Support for setting HERNIS FLEX Module startup (Automatic/Manual) (Set-FlexModuleStartup)
- Support for enabling debugging features (Set-FlexModuleDebugMode)
- Support for checking if the Windows SNMP service is responding (Test-WindowsSnmp)
- Support for checking if the LSI RAID SNMP extension agent is responding (Test-LsiRaidSnmp)
- Support for info from the LSI RAID SNMP extension agent (Get-LsiRaidInfoFromSnmp)
- Support for checking the time spent in GC for FLEX modules (Get-TimeInGC)
- Open the following folder: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules
- Make a folder named FlexTools
- Copy FlexTools.psm1 to the FlexTools folder
- Start a new PowerShell terminal window.
- Use the exported functions.
- In some cases you might have to run: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
NOTE: Just replace the files and restart any PowerShell windows if the script is already installed.
Version 1.3 of the FLEX Tools script has support for enabling crash debugging features for FLEX modules using the Set-FlexModuleDebugMode function. The function has two parameters to enable debugging features in Windows, the -CrashDump and the -HeapDebugging parameters.
The -CrashDump parameter is used the enable/disable automatic generation of crash dumps when the specified module (specified by the -ModuleName parameter) crashes. The crash dumps are saved in c:\Dumps\ModuleName and the script defaults too a maximum of 5 dumps per module (-DumpCount).
The -HeapDebugging parameter toggles additional debugging flags in Windows. The flags are:
- Heap tail checking
- Heap free checking
- Heap parameter checking
- User mode stack trace database
- Heap tagging by DLL
- System critical breaks
- Page heap (full page heap)
NOTE The -HeapDebugging feature can have a performace and memory ussage impact on the module, only use this for debugging purposes and disable the feature after you have finished debugging the module.