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This is a list of must watch videos. Inspired by bolshchikov/js-must-watch


  1. The Evolution of Effects: Nicolas Wu @ Haskell'23 [1:06:10]


  1. Stop Writing Dead Programs: Jack Rusher @ Strange Loop 2022 [43:03]


  1. Maintainable Software Architecture in Haskell (with Polysemy): Paweł Szulc @ Lambda Days 2020 [42:45]
  2. Effects for Less: Alexis King @ ZuriHac 2020 [1:17:06]
  3. Bending the Curve: A Personal Tutor at Your Fingertips: Esteban Küber @ RustConf 2020 [29:287]


  1. What's unique about Rust?: Niko Matsakis @ RustLatam 2019 [46:45]
  2. Tail Call Optimization: The Musical!!: Anjana Vakil & Natalia Margolis @ !!Con 2019 [11:27]
  3. Typing the Untyped: Soundness in Gradual Type Systems: Ben Weissmann @ StrangeLoop 2019 [36:34]
  4. CSS Algorithms: Lara Schenck @ StrangeLoop 2019 [36:18]
  5. Rust, WebAssembly, and the future of Serverless: Steve Klabnik @ Full Stack Fest 2019 [39:52]
  6. Type Theory for the Working Rustacean: Dan Pittman @ Rust Belt Rust 2019 [19:23]
  7. TYPE INFERENCE FROM SCRATCH: Christoph Hegemann @ f(by) 2019 [33:26]
  8. How to teach programming (and other things)?: Felienne Hermans @ Strange Loop 2019 [52:08]


  1. In The Loop: Jake Archibald @ JSConf.Asia 2018 [35:11]
  2. DevTools and Headless Chrome - The Automation Power-Couple: Yonatan Mevorach @ Render Conf 2018 [19:21]
  3. Living Animation: Edward Faulkner @ EmberConf 2018 [41:00]
  4. Immutable Application Architecture: Lee Byron @ React Europe 2018 [31:10]
  5. To push, or not to push?! - The future of HTTP/2 server push: Patrick Hamann @ JSConf EU 2018 [25:51]
  6. JavaScript and self-deception: why TypeScript is not enough: Nicholas Kariniemi @ Reaktor Breakpoint 2018 [32:43]
  7. Using Rust For Game Development: Catherine West @ RustConf 2018 [42:29]
  8. Laws!: George Wilson @ Compose Melbourne 2018 [28:03]
  9. Is It Time to Rewrite the Operating System in Rust?: Bryan Cantrill @ QCon San Francisco 2018 [1:09:17]
  10. Shaping our children's education in computing: Simon Peyton Jones @ Strange Loop 2018 [51:08]


  1. A Cartoon Intro to Fiber: Lin Clark @ React Conf 2017 [31:47]
  2. Taming the Meta Language: Cheng Lou @ React Conf 2017 [36:46]
  3. JavaScript engines - how do they even?: Franziska Hinkelmann @ JSConf EU 2017 [25:13]
  4. Parsing JavaScript - better lazy than eager?: Marja Hölttä @ JSConf EU 2017 [25:08]
  5. Maintaining an OSS Project (Babel): Henry Zhu @ JSConf EU 2017 [16:00]
  6. ServiceWorkers Outbreak: index-sw-9a4c43b4b47781ca619eaaf5ac1db.js: Alexander Pope @ JSConf EU 2017 [25:05]
  7. Servo Architecture: Safety and Performance: Jack Moffitt @ 2017 [45:04]
  8. Get Rich Quick With P2P Crypto Currency: Feross Aboukhadijeh @ Nordic.js 2017 [36:51]
  9. Never Write Another HoC: Michael Jackson @ Phoenix ReactJS [51:06]
  10. The Melting Pot of JavaScript: Dan Abramov @ ZEIT [28:47]
  11. Type Class: The Ultimate Ad Hoc: George Wilson @ Compose :: Melbourne 2017 [30:36]
  12. My Life as a Tech Transfer Monad: Erik Meijer @ KotlinConf 2017 [1:01:06]
  13. Peeling the Banana: Recursion Schemes from First Principles: Zainab Ali @ Lambda World 2017 [34:21]
  14. The Browser Hackers Guide To Instantly Loading Everything: Addy Osmani @ JSConf EU 2017 [28:09]
  15. How I Convinced the World's Largest Package Manager to Use Rust, and So Can You!: Ashley Williams @ RustFest 2017 [37:33]
  16. GraphQL Subscriptions: Full Stack: Rob Zhu @ GraphQL Summit 2017 [31:34]
  17. Type System Tips for the Real World: Sean Griffin @ RustConf 2017 [24:39]
  18. Preact: Into the void 0: Jason Miller @ JSConf EU 2017 [27:32]
  19. Category Theory in Life: Dr. Eugenia Cheng @ Lambda World 2017 [40:38]
  20. The Illustrated Adventure Survival Guide for New Rustaceans: Lee Baillie @ RustFest 2017 [18:45]
  21. The Story of Stylo: Replacing Firefox's CSS engine with Rust: Josh Matthews @ Rust Belt Rust Conference 2017 [32:28]
  22. A Crash Course in Category Theory: Bartosz Milewski @ F(by) 2017 [43:48]
  23. What Referential Transparency can do for you: Luka Jacobowitz @ ScalaIO 2017 [30:20]
  24. Type Systems Will Make You a Better JavaScript Developer: Jared Forsyth @ React Conf 2017 [22:04]
  25. Concurrency in Rust: Alex Crichton @ code::dive 2017 [1:10:15]


  1. The myth of the “Real JavaScript Developer”: Brenna O'Brien @ Front-Trends 2016 [27:05]
  2. A cartoon guide to performance in React: Lin Clark @ react-europe 2016 [26:19]
  3. On the Spectrum of Abstraction: Cheng Lou @ react-europe 2016 [35:31]
  4. A Deepdive Into Flow: Jeff Morrison @ react-europe 2016 [27:52]
  5. Immutable User Interfaces: Lee Byron @ Render 2016 [29:34]
  6. Oh Composable World!: Brian Lonsdorf @ React Rally 2016 [27:31]
  7. From Zero to Binary Search Tree: James Kyle @ React Rally 2016 [27:22]
  8. Demystifying (JavaScript) engines: Alejandro Oviedo @ JSConf Iceland 2016 [17:07]
  9. You will learn RxJS: André Staltz @ ng-europe 2016 [22:44]
  10. SEO best practices and requirements for modern sites: John Mueller @ Angular Connect 2016 [23:07]
  11. Rayon: Data Parallelism for Fun and Profit: Nicholas Matsakis @ Rust Belt Rust Conference 2016 [24:42]
  12. The Extended Functor Family: George Wilson @ Compose :: Melbourne 2016 [21:56]
  13. When Less is More and More is Less: Trade-Offs in Algebra: George Wilson @ YOW! Lambda Jam 2016 [20:36]
  14. If you know map, I will teach you monads: Mattias Petter Johansson @ Nordic.js 2016 [33:30]
  15. PureScript: Tomorrow’s JavaScript Today: Kris Jenkins @ Øredev 2017 [34:39]


  1. Reactive JavaScript at Netflix, Microsoft and the World: Matthew Podwysocki @ JSConf.Asia 2015 [43:17]
  2. Making Realtime Audio-Visuals: Mathieu 'p01' Henri @ JSConf.Asia 2015 [47:42]
  3. Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel: Dan Abramov @ react-europe 2015 [30:40]
  4. Async Programming in ES7: Jafar Husain @ JSConf US 2015 [32:56]
  5. Benchmarking JavaScript: Vyacheslav Egorov @ GOTO 2015 [40:54]
  6. If you wish to learn ES6/2015 from scratch, you must first invent the universe: Ashley Williams @ JSConf US 2015 [25:48]
  7. Servo: Building a Parallel Browser: Jack Moffitt @ 2015 [43:28]
  8. A Trip to the Zoo: SpiderMonkey, SquirrelFish, Nashorn, V8: Franziska Hinkelmann @ JSConf EU 2015 [26:53]
  9. Propositions as Types: Philip Wadler @ Strange Loop 2015 [42:42]


  1. What the heck is the event loop anyway?: Philip Roberts @ JSConf EU 2014 [26:52]
  2. JavaScript ♥ Unicode: Mathias Bynens @ JSConf EU 2014 [25:41]
  3. Lo-Dash and JavaScript Performance Optimizations: John-David Dalton @ SeattleJS [44:18]
  4. ES7: The Evolution of JavaScript: Jafar Husain @ Netflix JavaScript Talks [1:11:53]
  5. invokedynamic.js: Vyacheslav Egorov @ JSConf EU 2014 [20:25]
  6. The ServiceWorker is coming, look busy: Jake Archibald @ JSConf EU 2014 [31:39]
  7. User Interface Algorithms: Mark DiMarco @ JSConf 2014 [27:41]
  8. CSS Performance Tooling: Addy Osmani @ CSSconf EU 2014 [46:27]
  9. Memory Management Masterclass: Addy Osmani @ Google WebPerf Special [55:06]
  10. Servo: Designing and Implementing a Parallel Browser: Jack Moffitt @ StrangeLoop 2014 [40:39]
  11. What does it mean to be Reactive?: Erik Meijer @ React 2014 [46:38]


  1. Everything you never wanted to know about JavaScript numbers: Bartek Szopka @ JSConf EU 2013 [26:44]
  2. Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong!: Brian Lonsdorf @ HTML5DevCon 2013 [36:30]
  3. The Secret of Safe Continuous Deployment: Perceptual Diffs: Brett Slatkin @ Velocity 2013 [34:11]


  1. Maintainable JavaScript: Nicholas C. Zakas @ Fluent Conf 2012 [47:04]
  2. Why Do Monads Matter?: Derek Wright @ London Haskell [1:19:11]
  3. The Algebra of Algebraic Data Types: Chris Taylor @ London Haskell [1:04:34]


A list of cybai's must-watch videos




