NOTE: This project is not maintained anymore
Pouta-virtualcluster is a helper script and a set of Ansible playbooks to quickly setup a cluster in IaaS service. It draws heavily from the ElastiCluster by Grid Computing Competence Center, University of Zurich, especially most of the Ansible playbooks are based on ElastiCluster. Provisioning code, however, is written from scratch to support volumes (persistent storage), server affinity and security group relations. It runs directly against OpenStack Python API.
Currently poutacluster can provision:
- Basic cluster infra on top of CentOS 6.6 or Ubuntu 14.04 with one frontend and N compute nodes
- frontend and compute nodes can have different images, flavors and keys
- frontend has a public IP
- there is a volume for local persistent data
- frontend has a separate shared volume, exported with NFS to the worker nodes from /mnt/shared_data
- frontend also exports /home
- Ganglia for monitoring
- GridEngine for batch processing
- Apache Hadoop 1.2.1
- Apache Spark 1.3.1
There are two separate parts:
- provisioning the VMs and related resources
- configuring the VMs with Ansible
Provisioning VMs for cluster goes roughly like this:
The cluster configuration is read from YAML file provided by the user.
The current state of provisioned resources is loaded using OpenStack APIs from
Missing VMs are provisioned
first frontend, then appropriate number of nodes
naming: [cluster-name]-fe and [cluster-name]-node[number]. If your cluster name was be my-cluster, you would get
- my-cluster-fe
- my-cluster-node01
- my-cluster-node02
- ...
VMs are launched from the specified image with specified flavor. They are placed in an OpenStack server group with anti-affinity policy to distribute them on separate hosts for better fault tolerance.
volumes are created or reused and attached
template security groups are created if these don't exist already
Ansible host inventory file is created, mapping VMs to assigned roles
Shutdown is done in reverse order, starting with the last nodes and finally shutting down frontend. Only after the cluster has been shut down, you can wipe the persistent storage for the cluster.
See the example below.
There is a collection of Ansible playbooks in ansible/playbooks directory, all collected to ansible/playbooks/site.yml. Based on the role/group assignment in Ansible inventory (which in turn is generated from provisioning state and cluster configuration in cluster.yml by poutacluster script) a set of tasks is launched on each VM.
The playbooks are designed to be idempotent, so that you should be able to run them at any time, and they will only make changes in the configuration if necessary. Also, if you change the number of nodes in the cluster, playbooks can be re-applied to reflect the change.
To use CSC Pouta cloud environment you will need
- credentials for Pouta
- basic knowledge of Pouta and OpenStack
See for details
Note: Here we assume that you are already past the basic steps mentioned above.
Create a small management VM to act as a "bastion" host (
Log into
If you are member of multiple projects, select the desired one from the drop down list on top left
Create a new security group called, for example, 'bastion'
- go to Access and Security -> Security groups -> Create Security Group
- add rules to allow ssh for yourself and other admins
- normal users do not need to access this hosts
- keep the access list as small as possible to minimize exposure
Create an access key if you don't already have one
- go to Access and Security -> Keypairs -> Create/Import Keypair
Boot a new VM from the latest CentOS 6 image that is provided by CSC
- go to Instances -> Launch Instance
- Image: Latest public Centos image (CentOS 6.6 at the time of writing)
- Flavor: tiny
- Keypair: select your key
- Security Groups: select only bastion
- Network: select the desired network (you probably only have one, which is the default and ok)
- Launch
Associate a floating IP (allocate one for the project if you don't already have a spare)
Log in to the bastion host with ssh as cloud-user user, depending on the image:
ssh cloud-user@86.50.16X.XXX:
update the system and reboot to bring the host up to date:
sudo yum update -y && sudo reboot
add OpenStack repository for installing the client packages:
sudo yum install -y yum-plugin-priorities sudo yum install -y
install openssh-clients, bash-completion, git, Python yaml-support, Ansible and OpenStack clients:
sudo yum install -y bash-completion openssh-clients python-openstackclient git python-yaml ansible
import your OpenStack command line access configuration
see how to export the openrc
use scp to copy the file to bastion from your workstation:
[me@workstation]$ scp cloud-user@86.50.168.XXX:
test the clients (enter your Pouta password when asked for):
source nova image-list
create a new key for cluster access (keeping bastion access and cluster access separate is a good practice):
import the key:
nova keypair-add --pub-key .ssh/ cluster-key
make a backup copy of the keypair, so you don't lose it if something bad happens to your bastion host
[me@workstation]$ scp -r cloud-user@86.50.168.XXX:.ssh dot_ssh_from_bastion
Next we install poutacluster on the bastion host:
cd git clone mkdir ~/bin ln -s ~/pouta-virtualcluster/python/ ~/bin/poutacluster ln -s ~/pouta-virtualcluster/ansible ~/ansible cp ~/pouta-virtualcluster/ansible/cfg/ansible-centos6.cfg ~/.ansible.cfg
Now poutacluster -h should give you basic usage. See examples below for more details.
Log in to the bastion host, source the and start deploying the cluster:
create a new subdirectory for the cluster configuration in your home directory:
mkdir ~/my-cluster cd ~/my-cluster
copy cluster.yml.template to ~/my-cluster/cluster.yml and open it for editing:
cp ~/pouta-virtualcluster/cluster.yml.template cluster.yml vi cluster.yml
you can also edit the definition on your workstation and then copy it over to the bastion. The template can be found at
check, edit or fill in:
- cluster name (only characters a-z, 0-9 and a hyphen '-' are allowed)
- ssh-key name
- public IP (use 'auto' for any unused floating IP available for project)
- image
- flavors
- volume sizes (NOTE: when testing, keep the volume size small, otherwise deleting the cluster storage will take a long time). Keep the volume names and order as they are.
- groups (you can comment out software groups that you don't need)
bring the cluster up with a frontend and two nodes:
poutacluster up 2
check what info shows about the state:
poutacluster info
ssh in to the the frontend and test the cluster
check the web interfaces for Ganglia, Hadoop and Spark. Urls are printed out at the end of the run
try resetting the nodes:
poutacluster reset_nodes
bring the cluster down to save credits (permanent data on volumes is still preserved):
poutacluster down
bring the cluster up again, this time with 4 nodes:
poutacluster up 4
destroy the cluster by first bringing it down and then getting rid of the volumes:
poutacluster down poutacluster destroy_volumes
Check uptime on all the hosts on cluster frontend:
pdsh -w mycluster-node[01-04] uptime
Reboot the nodes:
sudo pdsh -w mycluster-node[01-04] reboot
Add a user and test NFS:
sudo useradd --create-home --shell=/bin/bash -u 1010 bill sudo passwd bill sudo pdsh -w mycluster-node[01-04] useradd --shell=/bin/bash -u 1010 --no-create-home bill sudo su - bill ssh mycluster-node01 touch hello-from-node01 ls exit
As a normal user (or cloud-user), test job submission:
cd for i in {001..016}; do qsub -b y -N uname-$i uname -a; done cat uname-0*.o*
The jobs are probably executed on different nodes.
Create a few empty 1G files on the NFS share and calculate sha256 sums over zero data:
sudo mkdir /mnt/shared_data/tmp sudo chmod 1777 /mnt/shared_data/tmp for i in {001..050}; do truncate --size 1G /mnt/shared_data/tmp/zeroes.1G.$i; done for i in {001..050}; do qsub -b y -N shasum-$i sha256sum /mnt/shared_data/tmp/zeroes.1G.$i; done cat shasum-*.o*
During the test, you should see quite a lot of network traffic from frontend out to the nodes, as the sparse files are read and NFS is feeding a lot of zeroes to the sha256sum -processes on the nodes. You can open another terminal (or use a multiplexer like tmux or screen) and run dstat -taf 10 for some real time monitoring on the frontend.
Running terasort with 100GB dataset. Make sure you have big enough shared_data and local_data -volumes provisioned.:
# generate data (with 8 'small' nodes, this should take around 6 minutes) # map tasks tuned to match the size of the cluster (8 small nodes, 4 cores each) hadoop jar /usr/share/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar teragen 1000000000 /user/hduser/terasort-input # sort (with 8 'small' nodes, this should take around 15 minutes) # reduce tasks tuned to match the size of the cluster (8 small nodes, 4 cores each) hadoop jar /usr/share/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar terasort -Dmapred.reduce.tasks=32 /user/hduser/terasort-input /user/hduser/terasort-output
Some useful admin commands:
# get status report for hdfs (HADOOP_USER_NAME is needed for admin access) HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs hadoop dfsadmin -report # balancing the HDFS data across nodes: set the balancer bandwidth to 100MB/sec and run balancer HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs hadoop dfsadmin -setBalancerBandwidth 100000000 HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs hadoop balancer -threshold 1 # check HDFS HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs hadoop fsck / # list running jobs hadoop job -list
Word count example with English language DBpedia dump. The file is replicated 20 times, resulting 50GB of text data. Make sure you have big enough shared_data and local_data -volumes provisioned.
First download the input data and replicate it to get more data:
sudo mkdir /mnt/shared_data/tmp sudo chmod 1777 /mnt/shared_data/tmp cd /mnt/shared_data/tmp mkdir dbpedia cd dbpedia curl -sS \ | bunzip2 -c | tee dbpedia_long_abstracts_en.ttl.{01..20} > /dev/null
Then upload it to HDFS:
hadoop distcp file:///mnt/shared_data/tmp/dbpedia hdfs://$HOSTNAME:9000/sparktest/dbpedia
Make sure Spark is running:
sudo /opt/spark/sbin/
Start a Spark shell with 8GB worker nodes in the cluster:
/opt/spark/bin/spark-shell --master spark://$HOSTNAME:7077 --executor-memory 8G
Note that logs will be printed to the shell and it might look like the prompt is not ready. Hit Enter a few times to get the scala> -prompt.
First we can test reading the input from NFS and writing the results to HDFS:
import val hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName val dbpediaText = sc.textFile("file:///mnt/shared_data/tmp/dbpedia") val counts = dbpediaText.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://"+hostname+":9000/sparktest/output-1")
Note: Spark is lazy in evaluating the expressions, so no processing will be done before the last line.
Then test HDFS to HDFS (should be faster):
import val hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName val dbpediaText = sc.textFile("hdfs://"+hostname+":9000/sparktest/dbpedia") val counts = dbpediaText.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://"+hostname+":9000/sparktest/output-2")
Printing the Top 50 words longer than 3 characters in the dbpedia dump:
import val hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName val dbpediaText = sc.textFile("hdfs://"+hostname+":9000/sparktest/dbpedia") val filtered = dbpediaText.flatMap(line => line.toLowerCase().split(" ")).filter(word => word.matches("[a-z]*")).filter(word => word.length()>3) val => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _) val => (x._2, x._1)).sortByKey(false).take(50) for (i <- top){ println (i._2+"\t"+i._1) }
Probably these hadoop dfs -commands will be handy, too:
hadoop dfs -ls /sparktest hadoop dfs -du /sparktest/* hadoop dfs -rmr /sparktest/output-1-gone-wrong
online resize
persistent home directory
HDFS resize has to be done manually when scaling down
Spark does not start automatically after a reboot. To start it run:
# sudo /opt/spark/sbin/