XinHai: Sea of Minds Framework for Multimodal Multi-agent Simulation and Evolution
Build local docker images in docker
directory of both backend and frontend.
docker build --add-host --build-context root=../.. -t xinhai_backend .
docker build --add-host -t xinhai_frontend .
Modify env file
cp .env.example .env
Change docker-compose.yml
Start docker compose in project root directory.
docker-compose up
Check status of docker images:
(base) vimos@vimos-Z270MX-Gaming5 XinHaiLLM % docker-compose images
Container Repository Tag Image Id Size
xinhaillm_bridge_1 xinhai latest ad1a7389388c 17.56 GB
xinhaillm_controller_1 xinhai latest ad1a7389388c 17.56 GB
xinhaillm_frontend_1 xinhai latest ad1a7389388c 17.56 GB
xinhaillm_llm_1 xinhai latest ad1a7389388c 17.56 GB
xinhaillm_storage_1 xinhai latest ad1a7389388c 17.56 GB
If you need to stop the services, use docker-compose down
XinHai learns a lot from the following repos: