Estimation of brain amyloid accumulation using deep learning in clinical [11C]PiB PET imaging.
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The algorithms require the PET image to be skull stripped and resampled to MNI space in 1x1x1 mm3 resolution and 256x256x256 matrix.
The templates to do this guided by CT or MRI are supplied. If the PET image is already preprocessed, simply call:
amyloidAI -i <PET.nii.gz>
To run the preprocessing as part of the algorithm you need to supply a CT or an MRI image that is aligned with the PET image:
amyloidAI -i <PET.nii.gz> --CT <CT.nii.gz>
amyloidAI -i <PET.nii.gz> --MRI <MRI.nii.gz>
The algorithm outputs (and prints) a dictionary with the keys: suvr
, suvr_std
, diagnosis
, diagnosis_std
The main output, suvr and diagnosis, is the median and mean, respectively, of the 5-fold ensemble inference. The *_std outputs are the standard deviation of the five predicted values.
SUVr < 1.35 can be interpreted as amyloid negative and > 1.35 as amyloid positive. A high standard deviation indicates less model certainty for the diagnosis of the patient.
A diagnosis value < 0.5 indicates amyloid negative and > 0.5 amyloid positive. Here too, a larger standard deviation indicates less certainty for the diagnosis.