An expression class and builder (DSL), written in Kotlin.
This package will assist you in writing and managing your regular expressions (Regex).
I've been using this package in my HAFAS-parser project, in order to simplify very complex regular expressions. Read more about it on my blog
- Easy Regex management
- Available as a pure class (Expression)
- Available as a builder (ExpressionBuilder)
- Unit Tests
- API Reference
- Usage (ExpressionBuilder)
- Example
- Setup / Install
- Build
- Unit-Tests
- CI
- Contributing
- License
class Expression( op: Set<RegexOption> )
fun markStart() = // '^'
fun markEnd() = // '$'
fun markOr() = // '|'
/* Quantity (Q)
* Q.ZERO_OR_ONE = '?'
* Q.ZERO_OR_MORE = '*'
* Q.ONE_OR_MORE = '+'
fun quantity(quant: Q = Q.ZERO_OR_ONE)
/* Range
* Delimiter '-' = [min-max] (default)
* Delimiter ',' = {min,max}
* Example: range(0,9) = [0-9]
* Example: range(0,9,',') = {0,9}
* Example: range('A','z') = A-z
fun range(min: Any, max: Any, delim: Char = '-')
fun exact(times: Int) = // {times,times}
fun setChar(char: Char) = // char
fun setString(str: String) = // str
fun setLiteral(lit: Char) = // \lit
fun setDigit() = // \d
fun setWord() = // \w
fun startMatch() = // [
fun endMatch() = // ]
/* Start Capture Group
* 0 = capture -> (
* 1 = no capture -> (?:
fun startGroup(type: Int)
fun endGroup() = // )
fun debug()
fun compile(): Regex
For documentation check above (Expression class) or demos/examples.
class ExpressionBuilder { }
fun start()
fun end()
fun or()
fun quantity( quant: Q )
fun exact( times: Int )
fun range( min: Any, max: Any, delim: Char = '-' )
fun literal( lit: Char )
fun decimal( aggr: () -> Unit = {} )
fun string( str: String )
fun char( char: Char )
fun digit( aggr: () -> Unit = {} )
fun word( aggr: () -> Unit = {} )
fun whitespace()
fun match( aggr: () -> Unit = {} )
fun nocapture( aggr: () -> Unit )
fun capture( aggr: () -> Unit )
fun expression(
entity: ExpressionBuilder.() -> Unit,
options: Set<RegexOption> = emptySet()
): Expression?
// In addition to the functions above,
// you can access every function of Expression class.
Demo 1:
import com.github.burnett01.expression.*
class main {
val date: String = "20.05.2017"
val origExpr = Regex("(\\d{2}.\\d{2}.\\d{4})")
val myExpr: Expression? = expression {
capture {
digit { exact(2) }
digit { exact(2) }
digit { exact(4) }
Demo 2:
import com.github.burnett01.expression.*
class main {
val txt: String = "Hello catch me!%"
val myExpr: Expression? = expression({
capture {
string("Hello catch me!")
Passing options to Regex class:
As of version 0.6, you may forward RegexOption
's to the internal Regex
import com.github.burnett01.expression.*
class main {
/* Available options (JVM):
IGNORE_CASE = Enables case-insensitive matching.
MULTILINE = Enables multiline mode.
LITERAL = Enables literal parsing of the pattern.
UNIX_LINES = In this mode, only the '\n' is recognized as a line terminator.
COMMENTS = Permits whitespace and comments in pattern.
DOT_MATCHES_ALL = Enables the mode, when the expression . matches any character,
including a line terminator.
CANON_EQ = Enables equivalence by canonical decomposition.
val options: Set<RegexOption> = setOf(RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE)
val txt: String = "HElLo CaTCh mE!%"
val myExpr: Expression? = expression({
capture {
string("Hello catch me!")
}, options)
Gradle dependency:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.burnett01:kotlin-expression-builder:1.2.2'
Maven dependency:
Check here for more.
gradlew build
The testing-framework used by this package is kotest.
Various tests are performed to make sure this package runs as smoothly as possible.
28 tests
| Source -
3 tests
| Source
gradlew test
Travis-CI, jitCI and detekt (code QL)
You're very welcome and free to contribute. Thank you.